University of Virginia Library


[Jesus, dear almighty Lord]

That Thou mayest say to the prisoners, &c. —xlix. 9, 10.

Jesus, dear almighty Lord,
Speak the soul-redeeming word,
Breathe the Spirit of liberty,
Bid us now believe on Thee:
When Thou dost Thy Spirit give,
We our gloomy dungeons leave,
Cast the chains of sin away,
Walk at large in open day.
Now out of our sins we go,
Now redeem'd, ourselves we show,
Walk in ways of pleasantness,
Feed on Thy forgiving grace,


Pasture in the mountains find,
To the flock of Israel join'd,
Range o'er all the fields above,
Happy in our Shepherd's love.
Nothing more can we require,
Love fills up our whole desire,
Kept by love's protecting power,
Nothing can we suffer more;
Who to us hast mercy shown,
Still Thou dost conduct Thine own,
By the streams of purest grace
To our everlasting place.