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Away, vain thoughts that stir within,
Nor further can proceed!
How shall I longer live in sin,
Who unto sin am dead?
Baptized into my Saviour's name,
I of His death partake;
Buried with Jesus Christ I am,
And I with Him awake.


He burst the barriers of the tomb,
Rose, and regain'd the skies;
And lo! from nature's grave I come,
And lo! with Christ I rise.
A new, a living life I live;
And, fashion'd to His death,
His resurrection's power receive,
And by His Spirit breathe.
Now the old Adam is, I know,
With Jesus crucified;
Sin, vanquish'd by its passive foe,
Kill'd my dear Lord—and died.
Its body was destroy'd, when nail'd
With Jesus to the tree;
My dying Surety then prevail'd,
And I was then set free.
Dead with my gracious Lord and God,
With Him by faith I live;
The power He purchased with His blood
I over sin receive.
Sin shall not have dominion now,
Or in my body reign;
Beneath its yoke I scorn to bow,
And all its force disdain.
Under the law no more enslaved,
No more I groan and grieve;
By grace I am redeem'd and saved,
And under grace I live.
I live to God, who from the dead
Hath me to life restored,
That I, from sin's oppression freed,
Might only serve my Lord.


Jesus I serve, to Him alone
My thankful homage pay;
My only Master, Christ I own,
And Him will I obey.
To Him my body I present,
Which He will not refuse;
The meanest, basest instrument
His glory deigns to use.
Servant of sin too long I was,
But Christ hath set me free;
Glory to His victorious grace
Which freely ransom'd me.
For ever be His name adored
For what I have received;
I have embraced the Gospel word,
And with my heart believed.
Faith freed me from the iron yoke,
The strength of sin subdued,
From off my soul the fetters broke,
And now I serve my God.
Jesus can to the utmost save:
On Jesus I depend;
My fruit to holiness I have,
And all in heaven shall end.