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Against Passus his superfluity in want.
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Against Passus his superfluity in want.

Epigram. 362.

Passus doth passe his Bounds in all he doth,
In all he thinks, in all he saies, or writes:
Nay, he's him selfe superfluous; yea, a Moath
Of Common-weales; but not like one indites,
Sith he consumes no Sense: for, thus he writ:
Her corrall-lips of hue: Of hue; oh marke
How hue, so plac'd, discoulor doth his wit;
And, with a dull redundance makes it darke:
Then sith that Hue the Sence slue senclesly,
Against that Hue, with open mouth, I cry.