University of Virginia Library


The Sinclair Laboratory for work in Strength of Materials.
This was founded on the original donation of Mrs. John Sinclair,
of New York City, as a memorial to her late husband. The collection
has since been considerably enlarged. It contains Riehle and
Olsen machines, each of 100,000 pounds capacity, arranged for tensile,
compressive, and transverse tests; an Olsen torsion machine of
50,000 inch-pounds capacity; an Olsen compression machine of 40,000
pounds capacity; a Ewing tester for the elasticity of rods; hand machines
for testing rods and wires under pull and small specimens of
timber and cast iron under transverse loads; Fairbanks and Olsen


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cement testers of 1,000 pounds capacity each; apparatus for torsional
tests on both long wires and short wires; together with the necessary
accessory apparatus for utilizing these machines.