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[Ye happy sinners, hear]

Ye happy sinners, hear
The prisoner of the Lord,
And wait till Christ appear
According to His word;
Rejoice in hope, rejoice with me,
We shall from all our sins be free.
The Lord our Righteousness
We have long since received,
Salvation nearer is
Than when we first believed;
Rejoice in hope, rejoice with me,
We shall from all our sins be free.
Let others hug their chains,
For sin and Satan plead,
And say from sin's remains
They never can be freed;
Rejoice in hope, rejoice with me,
We shall from all our sins be free.
In God we put our trust;
If we our sins confess,
Faithful He is, and just,
From all unrighteousness
To cleanse us all, both you and me;
We shall from all our sins be free.
Surely in us the hope
Of glory shall appear;
Sinners, your heads lift up,
And see redemption near;
Again I say, rejoice with me,
We shall from all our sins be free.


Who Jesu's sufferings share,
My fellow-prisoners now,
Ye soon the wreath shall wear
On your triumphant brow;
Rejoice in hope, rejoice with me,
We shall from all our sins be free.
The word of God is sure,
And never can remove;
We shall in heart be pure,
And perfected in love;
Rejoice in hope, rejoice with me,
We shall from all our sins be free.
Then let us gladly bring
Our sacrifice of praise;
Let us give thanks, and sing,
And glory in His grace;
Rejoice in hope, rejoice with me,
We shall from all our sins be free.