University of Virginia Library

Friday 20th. of December 1805

Some rain and hail last night and the rained continued untill
10 oClock A.M. Men all employd in carrying punchens or
boards & covering the houses, 4 of which were covered to day,
the after part of the day cloudy with Several showers of rain
3 Indians arrive in a Canoe. they brought with them mats,
roots & Sackacome [sac à commis] berries to Sell for which they
asked Such high prices that we did not purchase any of them.
Those people ask generally double and tribble the value of
what they have to Sell, and never take less than the real value
of the article in Such things as is calculated to do them Service.
Such as Blue & white beeds, with which they trade with the
nativs above; files which they make use of to Sharpen their
tools, fish hooks of different Sises and tobacco. Tobacco and
blue beeds they do prefur to every thing.