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[Discouraged at our wayward ways]

He shall not fail, nor be discouraged, &c. —xlii. 4.

Discouraged at our wayward ways,
We trust Thee, that Thou wilt not fail,
But carry on Thy work of grace,
Till mercy over sin prevail,
And fix on earth Thy righteous throne,
And reign in all our hearts alone.
Jesus, for this we still attend,
Thy kingdom in the isles to prove,
The law of sin and death to end,
We wait for all the power of love,
The law of perfect liberty,
The law of life which is in Thee.
O might it now from Thee proceed,
With Thee, into the souls of men,
Throughout the world Thy gospel spread,
And let Thy glorious Spirit reign,
On all the ransom'd race bestow'd,
And fill the universe with God.