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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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Oh God, with thee whatever is, is right,
Still will I hold my faith in weal or woe,
And when it is not given me to know
Thy boundlessness, when this unaided sight
May not pierce thro' the mists that lie, like night,


Betwixt my glance and Truth, I will not grow
Fainthearted or impatient, but will bow
In humble confidence and hope, and light
Shall not be then refused me, for thou art
Allwise, alljust; when least thou seemest nigh,
Thou'rt in us and around us: let the smart
Of suffering touch my spirit then with high,
Calm revelations, still a contrite heart
I'll offer thee, all else is mockery.