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The gentleman whose name captions this article is a
son of the late James Bounds and Katharine (Cowell)
Stephenson, and was born July 13th, 1872, at East
Brady, Pennsylvania. He was educated at the Pennsylvania
State Normal School, at Clarion, Pennsylvania,
and from 1890 to 1893, was connected with the Second
National Bank of Pittsburg. In April, 1893, he came to
Roanoke, and with his father, opened up extensive
coal mines in the Pocahontas Flat Top Coal Fields.
These enterprises have been in continuous operation
ever since.

In December, 1902, he formed a partnership with
Lawrence S. Davis, and they are now conducting an
Insurance business under the firm name of "Davis and
Stephenson, Inc." with offices in their own building
No. 112 Kirk Avenue, S. W. This firm does a general
insurance business, and has established a splendid
clientage in this city and section.

On September 13th, 1899, he was married to Elizabeth
Greenland, daughter of General W. W. and Sadie
E. Greenland of Clarion, Pennsylvania, and as a result
of that union they have three sons, William C. Jr.,
Walter Greenland, and James B. Stephenson, 2d.

Mr. Stephenson is a wide-awake progressive citizen
of Roanoke and one who has contributed a liberal share
in the upbuilding of this city. Fraternally Mr. Stephenson
is a member of Pleasants Lodge, A. F. and A. M.,
Murray Chapter, Bayard Commandary, Acca Temple,
and Dalcho Consistory No. 1 Scottish Rite Masons.