University of Virginia Library



[Fear not, for I thy God am here]

Fear thou not; for I am with thee, &c. —xli. 10.

Fear not, for I thy God am here,
(Jehovah to His servant saith,)
My presence shall dispel thy fear,
And fill thy heart with strength of faith:
No longer troubled or dismay'd,
Perceive thy gracious Saviour nigh,
And every moment feel My aid,
And on Mine outstretch'd arm rely.
Why shouldst thou fear, when I am thine,
When all I am, I am for thee?
If thou art weak, My strength Divine
Is perfect in infirmity:
Without My help who canst not stand
Thee I will never leave alone,
But hold thee up by My right hand,
But lift thee to My heavenly throne.