University of Virginia Library

“And why did you lave them?” says the vicar;
And—“The two of them,” she says, “in liquor;
And I thought, sir, I thought, when they hadn' me,
It's peacefuller they'd be sure to be,
And helpin' each other, and takin' rest,
And forgettin' me.”—“Aw, indeed,” he says,
“Forgettin' you then—aw, the poor chile!”
And he smiled, and bless ye! you'll feel a smile
In the dark—“forgettin', and lost the bearin's—
Poor thing! and have you got your fairin's
In your handkecher? And—“Yes.”—“All right!”
Says the Pazon, “you'll not see these young men to-night


Again,” he says; so—“Come up, Smiler!”
And away, and tryin' to reconcile her.
