University of Virginia Library


Scene III.—Troy. The Portico of Aphrodite's Temple.

Philotas and Phylax.
Banquet at sunset! Yonder priest morose
Has barred those gates, and swears the keys are stolen!
Our revel must be here: we'll have at feast
All wit and wisdom extant in our host;—
I am its Wit, and you, good Leech, its Wisdom!
You know my cooks of old! I pray you, Phylax,
Teach them to make the dish that richliest spiced
The wholesomest likewise! I have wealth and beauty,
My father's greatness, and the army's love:
One thing remains which men like me must fear—
Sickness; a serious sickness.

Sage, though young!
Our craft was born to make delights less baneful.

You shun delights yourself: I pardon you,
Knowing your sour mood comes from spite, not virtue:
Age should have spite: with scoffs the dry lip quickens:—
We are friends albeit unlike.

Unlike in likeness:
We both speak truth: in youth I lived like you:
Age—if it comes—in time will make you acrid;—
If—for the vain like you, have many foes:
I am anatomist; 'neath the flesh that is
Mine eye notes still the skeleton to be
Whose grin diverts me better than youth's smile.
How like you battle-fields?

In thought, not much:


But when the trumpets sound their music warms me:
Not less my valour is a reasoning thing:
In the onset fenced am I by huge strong men
Whose fortunes rest on mine. There's Ptolemy!
I call him “Empty head and stately step!”
I'd rather dine upon that man than with him!
Phylax, I think you love me!

In my way—
Not with that love which fain would die to save you,
Yet love enough to avenge if slain by wrong.

A league!

I swear.

Good friend, be here at sunset!