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Charles A. McHugh, the subject of this sketch, was
born in Charleston, South Carolina, and received his
education at the College of Charleston.

After graduating from college he studied law in the
offices of Simonton and Barker, and later engaged in the
practice of his profession in the city of Charleston.

He was elected to represent his district in the State
Legislature of South Carolina, and served with distinction
until his removal to Roanoke in 1890.

Since coming to this city, Captain McHugh has been
engaged in the practice of law, and has met with deserved
success in his chosen profession.

He is recognized as a lawyer of marked ability and
ranks among the leading members of the Virginia bar.

He has always manifested a deep interest in movements
undertaken for the advancement and upbuilding
of Roanoke, and has been identified with a number of
business enterprises which have been established here.