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Page 318


The Department of Medicine not only fosters in its methods of instruction
the inductive study by the student himself of the phenomena presented by
the human body in health and disease, but also encourages the spirit of investigation
of unsolved problems of medical science and practice on the
part of the instructors and students. During the past few years there have
appeared annually a number of papers from its laboratories embodying the
results of such investigations, and it is the policy of the department to enlarge
this feature of its work in the future. Students are encouraged to engage
in research as they are prepared for it, usually assisting an instructor
in some special study or else conducting the research under his guidance and
advice. For this purpose the scientific and clinical laboratories offer the
necessary facilities, and heads of departments will always be glad to suggest
and outline problems for investigation by any medical student or by others
possessing the necessary training therefor.

Library.—The medical Library contains upwards of 7,000 volumes. It is
housed in the basement of the Rotunda, and is in charge of a special Librarian.
The more important of its current journals include the following:

American Journal of Anatomy, American Journal of Diseases of Children,
American Journal of the Medical Sciences, American Journal of Obstetrics
and Gynecology, American Journal of Physiology, American Journal
of Physical Anthropology, Genetics, American Journal of Psychology,
American Journal of Public Health, American Journal of Syphilis, American
Review of Tuberculosis, Annals of Surgery, Archives of Pediatrics, Archives
of Internal Medicine, The American Naturalist, Anatomischer Anzeiger,
Anatomical Record, Annales de Médecine, l'Anthropologie, Archiv für
Gynaekologie, Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology, Archino italiano di
ematologia e sierologia, Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, Archiv für die
Gesammtes Physiologie, Archives internationales de Physiologie, Archiv für
Mikroskopische Anatomie und Entwicklungsmechanik, Biochemical Journal,
The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Brain, The British Medical Journal,
British Journal of Dermatology and Syphilis, Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins
Hospital, Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société D' Anthropologie de Paris,
Comptes Rendus, Endocrinology, Folia hematologis, Index Medicus, The
Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, The Journal of the American Medical
Association, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, The Journal of Bone and
Joint Surgery, The Journal of Clinical Research, The Journal of Comparative
Neurology, The Journal of Experimental Medicine, The Journal of Hygiene,
The Journal of Immunology, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, The Journal
of Medical Research, The Journal of Metabolic Research, The Journal of
Nervous and Mental Diseases, The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology
The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, The Journal
of Physiology, The Journal of Radiology, The Journal of Social Medicine,
The Journal of Urology, The Lancet, The Medical Record, Medecine, The
New York Medical Journal, Physiological Abstracts, Physiological Reviews,
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, The


Page 319
Quarterly Cumulative Index, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology,
The Quarterly Journal of Medicine, The Journal of Industrial Hygiene,
Social Hygiene, The Southern Medical Journal, Surgery Gynecology and
Obstetrics, Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, Proceedings
of the New York Pathological Society, Virginia Medical Monthly.