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[He waits, that we from sin may turn]

Therefore will the Lord wait, &c. —xxx. 18.

He waits, that we from sin may turn,
May deeply for His comforts mourn;
Ready His grace to give,
Yet still in mercy He delays,
Till I am capable of grace,
And willing to receive.
For this Thou art gone up on high,
To show Thy power in earth and sky,
Mine Advocate above,
Thou dost a Prince and Saviour reign,
That I may with forgiveness gain
The witness of Thy love.
Thou waitest still, when Thee I know,
A larger blessing to bestow,
A second gift impart,
(The sinless mind, the farther rest,)
And stamp Thine image on my breast,
And fill my emptied heart.
Yet till Thy time is fully come,
I dare not hastily presume
To snatch the perfect grace,


But humbly patient to the end,
And praying at Thy feet attend,
Till Thou unveil Thy face.

I dare say “Now is the accepted time.” J.W.