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Dec. 22-28
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Dec. 22-28

At church to hear Dr. Quimby....I'm so unhappy about brother Jim; hear he continues poorly. Monday go up to Rugby to meet Sally and Jabe who come back from Music Hall on that day. They leave brother Jim more comfortable. We decide to go down to him the first of next week. Hope Sue will decide to go with us. Spend Xmas Eve at Rugby. The nieces have some beaux, a dance, some games, an eggnog and altogether a gay time. I'm happy to be with my sisters and brothers but can't get up anything like gaiety. That feeling has long since departed ....Xmas Day go to church and hear Dr. Harold....The church is very pretty with the Xmas greens. The motto "The Prince of Peace." After church leave the Rugbyites and go home. Such a quiet Xmas, even the children seem to make less noise. Beautiful weather which I'm glad of on the darkies account. Sally and Jabe dine with us on Friday. I enjoy them as a matter of course but they are not to stay all night. Decide upon a meeting at the Depot in town on Monday morning to take cars for Music Hall. Sue and I think of spending Sunday night with Cousin Lou so as to be on the spot Monday morning. No improvement in brother Jim. Jabe takes up his pickle with him. We are having such happy times with Sue. Can't help thinking and grieving very much about brother Jim's sickness. I fear I am not long to have him with me; he is soon to be called to his rest. May my Father in Heaven help me to bear up under this heavy burden without murmuring and to feel in my heart His will be done. Finish [John] Motley's Rise of the Dutch Republic; it is deeply interesting. Mary Lewis and I read most of it aloud.