University of Virginia Library

Hîc deest multum.

More had been said; but, some begin,
Already, both to jeer, and grin.
That's worse, which was exceeding bad:
They that were foolish, are grown mad:
Truth, is less favoured, then Lies:
To be known honest, or thought wise,
Is dangerous; and, he best thrives,
Who, no man trusteth, or beleeves;
And, can, by fals dissembling shows,
Hide that, which he beleevs, or knows:
I see it; and, am stricken dumb;
From 'twixt my finger and my thumb,
My Penne is fall'n: 'Tis also Night,
And, I had rather sleep, then write.


If, therefore, you desirous grow,
To learn the rest, ask them that know
What others think, and pleased are,
To speak to them, who will not hear:
For, having heard, what will befall
To him, who tells his Mare a tale;
To cool my broth, my breath I'le keep,
And, try to sing my self asleep.