![]() | History of southwest Virginia, 1746-1786, Washington County, 1777-1870 | ![]() |

Abb's Valley, origin of name, 115, 116, 382.
Abingdon, its history, 616-669; original name, 617; when established, 626;
origin of name, 626-627; visited by great fire, 635-645; rules and
regulations to govern trustees, 636; streets macadamized, 638; new
charter for town, 639-640; first mayor and council, 641; description
in 1835, 641-642; Va. and Tenn. R. R., 647; description of town 1875,
654-655; Abingdon Coal & Iron R. R. Co., 657; mayors and other
officers, 659-664; purchasers of lots, 664-667.
Academy, Abingdon, female, 567-571; Abingdon, male, 558-567; principals
of, 564; students exempted from taxation, 564; Liberty Hall, 579-580.
Acklin, Christopher, 135, 290, 303, 375, 376, 626, 631, 665, 667.
Acts of Assembly, manner of holding elections, 158; qualifications of
voters, 158; dividing Fincastle county, 254; to purchase all salt in
county, 258; members of legislature elected—election contested, 263264;
first delegates from Wash. Co., 266; to open road to Kentucky,
279; known as Wilderness road, 280; stopping points and distances,
281; declaring what shall be lawful marriage, 370; dissenting ministers
granted licenses, 371; allowing taxes to be paid in stock, &c.,
373; members of legislature, 1785, 388; Washington county divided,
388; Russell county court, 1786, 388; resolution as to Northwest territory,
391; Scott county formed, 464; Washington county, members
legislature, (1819), 467; tolls to be charged on roads, 447; calling
constitutional convention, 470; Smyth county formed, 472; members of
legislature 1859; 511; convention to consider secession, 512; 14th
amendment rejected, 550; 14th and 15th amendment rejected, 555;
government of states re-organized, 555.
Adair, 30, 32, 33, 259.
Adams, George, 110, 132; John, 212; Samuel, 206.
Address to Cherokees by Col. Campbell, 421-422.
Address of House of Burgesses to the king and parliament, 164-169.
Admiralty, board of—bill of parliament to appoint, 177.
Agricultural society organized, 494.
Alamance, battle between regulators and Tryon, 115.
Alderson, Chas. W., 787; John, 42; William, 93-258.
Alexander, Archibald, 61.
Allen, Hugh, 153.
Allison, Chas., 134-136; Robert, 134.

Almshouse, 486.
America, discovery of, 9-10.
Antiquarian society of Copenhagan, 9.
Appalaches, 21, 36, 38, 366.
Appomattox, 34-36.
Appropriation of Wash. county to equip volunteer companies, 515-518.
Arbuckles, 109-152.
Argall, 15.
Armstrong, John, Sec. of War under Madison, 630, 632, 633.
Aspinvale, 360.
Association formed by members of House, 186.
Attakullakulla, 73.
Augusta county—justices of county court, 820-821; sheriffs, 829; attorneys,
834; other officers of county, 839-842.
Austin, Walker, 34.
Avery, Waytestill, 247.
Aylett, John, 108-132.
Bacon, Nathaniel, 17.
Baznell, William, dwarf, 268.
Bahama Islands, 10.
Bailey, D. F., 780.
Baker, Isaac, 671-674.
Bancroft's History, author's comment on Battle of King's Mountain, 341.
Baptist Church, ministers, 845-846.
Barger, Philip, 57.
Barr, Geo. R., 506.
Barrack, Institute, 580.
Barre, Col., speech in parliament, 183; speech in house of commons, 170.
Batte, Capt. Henry, 23.
Bean, Mrs. William, captured by Indians, 228.
Bean, Russell, first white child born in Tennessee, 93.
Bekem, Chas. S., 791.
Belfast, 151.
Benge, half-bred Shawnese, 433-434; scalp sent to Governor, 443.
Benham, 428.
Bennett, Gov. Richard, 16.
Burgess, 13.
Berkely, Sir Wm., 16-17.
Berrard, Royal Governor of Mass., 178; legislature of Massachusetts dissolved,
Beverly, Wm. 42.
Beverly, Manor of, patent issued, 42.
Big Island, 241.
Bill to extend boundary line between Virginia and N. Car., 696.

Bill to raise revenue in America passed by parliament and approved by
king, 171.
Bills of credit, etc., 292.
Bingeman, 58.
Bird, Thos. E., 561.
Blackburn, Arthur, 156-230, 231, 620.
Black Lick, 293.
Blacksburg, 49.
Black Wolfe, Indian Chief, invades Burke's Garden, 361.
Blair, Gen. Francis P., 630.
Bland, Richard, 181-188-207.
Bledsoe, Anthony, 116, 243, 263, 649, 625, 748.
Bledsoe, Col. Isaac, 436.
Boone, Daniel, attacked by wolves, 76; commissioned captain, 157; marks
out road to Kentucky, 278.
Boone, James, murdered by Indians, 142.
Boonesborough, 278.
Boquet, Col., 81.
Borden, Benjamin, patent granted, 42.
Boston, evacuated by British troops, 209.
Botetourt, Lord, 97, 101.
Botetourt County, early history, 106, 108; justices of county court, 821,
822; sheriffs and deputies, 829, 831; attorneys, 835; other officers of
county, 839, 840, 842.
Boundary line between Va. and N. C. extended, 696; report of commissioners,
Bowen, Henry, 762.
Bowen, Rees T., 761.
Boyd, Mary, date of interment precedes Creswell's, 232.
Braddock, Gen., 56.
Bradley, Abram and Reuben, 477.
Bralley, Robert E., 490.
Branch, Peter J., 479.
Braxton, Carter, 251.
Breed's Hill, battle fought, 206.
Bristol and Goodson, early history, 669-687; census of, 687; officers of,
687, 689.
British parliament, prohibits all trade with colonies, 208.
British ship of war, stranded and burned, 207.
British troops arrive in Boston, 177, 178.
Brown, John, 598.
Buchanan, town founded, 43.
Buchanan, John, 43.
Buchanan, John A., 763.
Buchanan, William, 478.

Buffaloes, 49.
Bunch, James, pensioned by Virginia Assembly, 246.
Burgesses, House of, 15, 18, 34, 35, 36, 51, 52, 106, 130, 148, 160, 163,
164, 169, 176, 186, 204, 285.
Burk, of Burk's Garden, entire family captured or killed, 58.
Burke, James, 44.
Burk's Garden, 46.
Burnt Hill, 733.
Butt, Jos. M., 788.
Byars, J. Cloyd, 782.
Boyd, William, 67.
Cabot, John and Sebastian, 10.
Cafitachique, 21.
Callahan, Edward and wife, 629.
Calloway, Richard, 279-280.
Cameron, Alexander, British agent among Cherokees, 218.
Campbell, Arthur, 209, 262, 422, 431, 441, 443, 462, 463, 496, 703, 707, 748;
report of expedition against Cherokees, 342, 348; Major Charles, 43;
David, 84, 256, 270, 290; Gov. David, 118, 42, 201, 452, 459, 461, 766;
John, 84, 791, 792; Col. John B., 463; John A., 771; Jos. T., 513;
Preston W., 776; Thos. J., 789; Gen. Wm., 294, 308, 313, 326, 333,
338, 340, 350, 359.
Canada, French expelled, 69.
Capes, Henry and Charles, 12.
Carr, Dabney, resolutions offered by, 181.
Carter, John, family murdered by Indians, 420.
Cass, Lewis, 489.
Catholic Church, ministers, 846.
Cave in Abingdon, 76.
Celebration of 4th of July, 1812, 453-457.
Census of county and towns, 851-852.
Census of Virginia, 851.
Charles I, and Charles II, 16.
Charters of Virginia, 694, 695.
Cherokees, history of, 23-27; and Chickasaws, decisive battle, 106.
Chesapeake Bay, 12.
Chiswell, Col. John, 69, 71, 90.
Chota, 72.
Chote, 246, 294, 348, 360-366, 386, 420.
Choto, 31, 74, 244.
Christian Church, ministers, 845, 846.
Christian, Col. Wm., 130, 131, 148, 149, 157, 187, 233, 236, 237, 240, 241,
245, 247, 250, 255.
Church bells given for manufacturing cannon, 521.

Circuit Court, names of judges, 600; names of clerks, 600, 601; portraits
of judges, 601, 602.
Circuit and District Courts of U. S., 602, 604.
Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery, 598, 599.
Civil offices, vacated by Act of Congress, 554.
Clark, David B., 783; Gen. Geo. Rogers, 285; expedition against British
posts, 286, 287.
Clay, Henry, 486; Mitchell, 146.
Cloud's Fort, 93.
Cloyd, David, massacre of family, 79.
Cloyd vs. Montgomery, 80.
Cloyd, Major Joseph, 352, 363.
Cole, Charles B., 379, 326, 354-356, 358, 786.
Cocke, William, 56, 103, 137, 227, 228, 245, 264, 279, 275, 299, 625, 748.
Cockrell, Ensign Moses, 433, 434.
Colley, Thomas W., 867.
Collision of trains carrying troops, 518.
Colonial troops at Williamsburg, officers, Patrick Henry, Colonel, 208.
Colonies, except Georgia, send delegates to Philadelphia Convention, 190.
Colonists, opposition to taxation without representation, 160; money contributed
by colonies, 163.
Columbus, Christopher, 10.
Commission of Indians, report to Lord Botetourt, 97.
Committee of Safety appointed, 203; names of committee, 204.
Companies organized for home defence, 530, 531.
Condition of country described in letter, 78.
Confederate armies reorganized, 521.
Confederate flag raised, 513.
Confederate price in 1862, 528.
Congress, second continental, officers, 191-199; meeting at Philadelphia,
206; day of fasting and prayer, 206.
Conn, Gerrard T., first postmaster on Holston, 437.
Conn, Wm. Y., 628.
Conservative party, candidates of party 1868, 553.
Constitutional Convention, 209, 210, 211, 242, 256, 425, 466, 467, 470, 471,
492, 493, 514, 549, 553, 820.
Constitution of State, 15, 212.
Constitution of the United States, Convention in Richmond to ratify, 424;
ratification opposed by Patrick Henry, 424; ratified by Convention, 424.
Contributions of citizens, to needy families of soldiers, 519.
Convention of representatives of colonies, 188; Constitution, 209, 210, 211,
242, 256, 425, 466, 467, 470, 471, 492, 493, 514, 549, 553, 820.
Cootcha, 24.
Corn rights, 53.
Cornwallis, Lord, 292, 301, 302, 341, 350, 351, 352, 355, 356, 357, 358.

Cosby, Rev. Lewis F., 343, 795.
Council of war, 66.
Councillors, first civil government in America, 13.
County Court, 260, 268, 272, 303, 476, 480, 533, 555, 593, 594, 595.
Court house, new one erected, 489, 549.
Crab Orchard, 84, 85.
Creeks, Cherokees, Choctaws and Chickasaws, allies of British government,
Cresap, Captain, 145.
Creswell, William, inscription on slab in Sinking Spring cemetery, 231.
Crootan, 12.
Crockett, Walter, granted immunity for illegal acts against tories, 94.
Crow, James, 788.
Cumberland Gap, in route to Kentucky, 27.
Cumberland river, 50.
Cummings, Arthur C., 486, 784.
Cummings, Rev. Charles, 139, 162, 230, 231, 232, 747.
Cummings, David C., 774.
Cummings, Robert E., and James, 478.
Cutts, Col. Richard, 683, 721, 725.
Cyclone and hailstorm in 1812, 458; track of cyclone not obliterated in
1882, 459.
Dale, Sir Thomas, 14.
Damascus, 692, 693.
Dare, Virginia, 11.
Dartmouth, Lord, 199.
Davenport, Peter J., 778.
Davidson, Andrew, 380.
Davis, Joseph W., 794.
Davis, Jefferson, members of first cabinet, 514.
Davis, William, 479.
Day, of fasting and prayer, on death of President Harrison, 486; on death
of President McKinley, 486.
De Biedma, Louis Hernandez, 21, 22, 23.
Declaration of Independence, committee appointed to draft, 213; report of
committee adopted, 213, 216.
Delaware, Lord, 14.
Demere, Captain, 73.
De Soto, 10, 20.
De Villiers, Count, 55.
Dials, 385.
Diary of citizen of Abingdon, 524, 528.
Dickenson, Henry, 628.
Dinwiddie, Robert, Governor of Virginia, 55, 67, 101.

Dissenting churches, permission to erect granted, 43.
Districts Courts, 597.
Dixon, Geo. W., 453, 460, 461.
Dixon, Henry St. John, 453, 460, 461.
Doak, Rev. Samuel, 284; first church and school in Tennessee, 284.
Dobbs, Gov., of North Carolina, 68.
Dodridge, Dr., 124, 127.
Dougherty, John, ear bitten off, recorded in court, 136.
Douglas, Stephen A., 511.
Douglass, famous Indian fighter, 428.
Dragging Canoe, Indian chief, 223.
Draper, Dr., account of behavior of Washington county troops, 328, 330.
Draper, Mrs. John, 44, 57.
Draper, Jos., 44, 57.
Draper's Meadows, 46.
Duff, John, 478.
Duncan, Elizabeth, pensioned by Virginia Assembly, 244, 245.
Dunkards, 46.
Dunkard's Bottom, 56, 57, 67.
Dunlop, Ephraim, first Commonwealth's attorney, 595; subsequent attorneys,
596; clerks, 596.
Dunmore, Lord, Gov. of Virginia, dissolved House of Burgesses, 186; fled:
from capitol—ordered payment for powder, removed, 205.
Dunn, David C., 783.
Duties on various articles to be repealed, 179.
Dysart, Capt. James, 287, 288.
Early settlers, character of, 122, 124.
East India Company, offer to pay double duty on tea, 182.
East Tennessee, explored, 43; invaded by Federal troops, 528.
Echols, journal concerning march of Robt. Wade, 518.
Edmiston, Wm., 32, 103, 256, 369, 370, 375, 376, 769.
Edmondson, Rees B., 778.
Education, 557-580.
Elections, of members of legislature, 249, 263; election of members contested,
263-266, Washington county first represented by Tennessean,
266, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 512, 551 556.
Elizabeth, Queen, 11.
Emancipation of slaves, 444, 445.
Emory and Henry College, 575-579; students exempted from taxation, 486.
Epps, Major Frank, 208.
Erickson, Leif, 9.
Ernest, John H., 524, 777.

Estill, Benjamin, 108, 130, 301, 452, 768.
Estillville, 466.
Evans, Jessee, members of family butchered, 295; heroism of wife, 296, 298.
Expedition of Evan Shelby, 155, 156.
Exposition of country on both sides, Cumberland Mountains, 279.
Famine, in county imminent, 530.
Faneuil Hall, convention held, 178.
Ferguson, Major Patrick, 315, 318, 324.
Fincastle county, organized, 241, 242; members of assembly not admitted,
251; county divided, 253; justices of county court, 822, 823; sheriffs
and deputies, 829-831; attorneys, 835; other officers of county, 839,
841, 842.
Findlay, Alexander, 483; Findlay, Conanally, 485; Findlay, F. S., 257.
First Indian depredation, 51.
Fleenor, Micheal, 427.
Fleenors, settlers in Poor and Rich Valleys, 104, 105.
Fletcher, Ambrose, family killed and scalped, 234.
Floyd, John B., 767.
Fountainbleu, treaty between French and English, 76.
Fort Chiswell, 71, 115, 174, 219; Fort Dickenson attacked by Indians, 67;
Fort DuQuesne, 69; Fort Edmiston, 104; Fort Erie, battle with British
ships 459; captured bell still in Wytheville, 460; Fort on Holston and
Clinch rivers, 156, 157, 235; Fort Lewis, 56; Fort Long Island, 75;
Fort Loudoun, effort to relieve garrison, 71; surrendered to Cherokees,
72; surrendered garrison attacked, 73; Fort Necessity, 55; Fort
Patrick Henry, 218; Fort Prince George, 75; Fort Stanwix, 85, 93,
148; Fort Thompson, 104.
Forts, description of, 105.
Forts, erected for defence, 218, 219.
Fourteenth amendment rejected, 550; ratified, 555.
Fowler, Isaac Chapman, 786.
Frankland, effort to establish new state, 395-419; memorial to Congress,
392; address to freemen of Washington county, 394; officers of new
state elected, 399; declaration of rights, 400; charges preferred against
Col. Campbell, 402, 406; petition to Governor Henry, 404; depositions
pro and con taken, 414, 416; memorial of Col. Campbell, 418.
Frederick county part of Orange, 42.
Freedmen's Bureau, 548.
Freedom of slaves, proclaimed by Lord Dunmore, 208.
Freeholders, 632.
Freeholders required to vote under penalty, 209.
Freeholders of Fincastle county, issue an address, 201, 205.
Free negroes, permission to remain in county 90 days, 514.

French-Indian war concluded, 82.
Friel, Dan and Manassas, 628.
Fry, Col. Joshua, 55.
Fulkerson, Abram and Thomas, 476, 762; security for defendant in suit,
373; Col. Samuel V., 522.
Fulton, Andrew, 758; Hugh, runs line between Washington and Montgomery
counties, 372; John H., 757.
Furnaces, operated in county, 468.
Gage, General, ordered to send troops to Boston, 178.
Gates, Gen., 337.
Gates, Sir Thomas, 15.
General Assembly, members of, 779, 791, 817, 819.
Georgia, militia of, 236.
Gibson, James K., 760.
Gibson, John, commissioned captain in Army, 457; dissolution of partnership,
458; John, 782.
Gilbert, Joseph, scout, 436.
Gist, Christopher, 47, 55; Nathaniel, Indian trader, 76, 83, 241, 247, 617.
Glade Spring, 689, 691.
Glade Hollow fort, 287; capture of prevented by man named Whitesides,
Golden Horseshoe, order of and motto, 39.
Gooch, William, 41, 42.
Goodpasture, 269, 291.
Goodson, Samuel E., 480, 482.
Governor and council, instructions to commander of army against
Cherokees, 245.
Governors, 766, 768.
Grafton, Duke of, 180.
Graham, George, 785.
Graham, Joseph J., 779.
Grant, Robrt E., 782.
Grants of land, to enfranchise new voters, 484.
Granville, Earl, 55.
Great Bridge, battle in which British troops meet great disaster, 208.
Great Lick, 48.
Greendale, 693.
Greene, Gen., 348, 357.
Green, Virginia, tried for murder and transported, 505.
Green, Mrs., rescued by Capt. Paul 81.
Greenway, John, 629.
Greer, Andrew, 218.

Greever, Hiram A., 780.
Greever, James S., 780.
Greenville, George, Premier of England, 163.
Gubernatorial, election 1850, 492.
Guilford Courthouse, battle of, 353.
Hamblin, 365, 367.
Hancock, John, succeeds Randolph as President of Congress, 206.
Hanging, man, 386.
Hanover Presbytery, petition to General Assembly, 119.
Harlin, Alex, 243.
Harman, Adam, 44.
Harman, Henry, 380, 382, 385.
Harnett, Hon. Cornelius, 240.
Harrison, 188, 201, 486.
Harrod, Col. James, 147.
Haynes, Col. L. C., 499.
Hazel, Patch, 434.
Henderson, Richard, 278.
Henry, Patrick, 17, 171, 172, 181, 188, 191, 201, 204, 207, 208, 404, 408;
resolutions against Stamp Act, 172.
Herbert, Capt. Wm., 150.
Hessians, employed against colonies, 209.
High Court of Chancery, 598.
Hillsborough, Secretary of Colonies, 177.
Hite, Joist, 41, 42.
Hogg, Peter, 81.
Hogoheegee river, 44.
Holston, Stephen, 46, 53.
Hopkins, Francis and William, 275, 277.
Hopkins, Geo. W., 42,
Hopkins, Warren M., 528.
House of Commons, 176, 177, 183.
House of Delegates, 249, 252, 388.
House of Lords, 183, 199, 201.
Houston, William, 272.
Howe, Gen., 209.
Huff, A. J., 790.
Hughes, Judge Robert W., 794.
Humboldt, 9.
Humes, John N., 479.
Hunting, 127, 129.
Hutchison, Governor, compelled to remove soldiers, 181.
Hutton, Francis B., 772.
Hutson, Eleanor, pensioned by Virginia Legislature, 295.

Illinois county, 286, 287, 295.
Indebtedness of Washington county, 533.
Independence, Declaration of, 213, 216.
Indians, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 83, 102, 110, 143, 217, 242; Wilderness road, 282285;
Thousand led by John Watts, 431; Pemberton raid, 424; Lexington
road, 439-440; expedition of Vincent Hobbs, 441, 443; Cherokees,
31; Shawnese, 32, 33; trails, 27, 28, 29, 33, 76.
Inglis, Mary, 362, 367; Inglis, Mrs., 57, 362; Thomas, 44, 361, 362; William,
Jack, Major, 236.
Jackson, Andrew, 475.
Jackson, Gen. T. J., 517, 573.
Jail for Washington county, 446; destroyed by Federal troops, 481.
James river, 12.
Jamestown, 12.
Jefferson, Peter, 51.
Jefferson, Thomas, 181, 204, 212, 251, 252, 290, 337, 338, 340, 342; estimate
of importance of battle of King's Mountain, 340; orders expedition
against Cherokees, 342.
Jennings, Chas. H., 789.
Jim and Jerry, negroes, hanged for murder, 523.
Johnson, Andrew, 550.
Johnson, Joseph, 34, 426, 493.
Johnson, Sir Wm., 84.
Johnston, Beverly R., 645.
Johnston, Chas. C., 474, 475, 757.
Johnston, John Preston, 644.
Johnston, John W., 765.
Johnston, Judge Peter, 768.
Johnston, Peter C., 643.
Jones, Gen. Wm. E., 644.
Journal of Dr. Thomas Walker, 796, 809.
Judd's Friend, Prince of Chota, 73.
Judges, of county and circuits courts, 768, 774.
Judiciary, 592.
Justices of Supreme Court of U. S., 849, 850.
Kellar, Col. John, 478, 481.
Kelly, John A., 555, 771.
Kelly, Jonas S., 786.
Kendrick, E. S., 788.
Kentucky, part of Fincastle county, 253.

Kentucky, land law enacted by Virginia, 283.
Keys, James, 476.
Killed, list of from 1754 to 1757, 58-60.
Kilmackronan, 22.
Kinkead, John, 272, 280, 285, 301, 375, 396.
King, Geo. I., 18, 58.
King, James I., 12.
King, James, 751.
King, William, 443, 446, 493, 585, 638, 793.
King's Mountain, 304, 334, 335; losses in British army, 326, 327; losses in
Virginia troops, 327; losses of mountain men, 336.
Knights of the Golden Horseshoe, 18, 38, 39.
Knox, Col. James, 114.
Kreger, John G., 530.
Ku-Klux-Klan, 555, 556.
Lafayette, Marquis de, 358.
Lane, Sir Ralph, 11.
Latham, Edward, 478.
Lawyers of Abingdon bar in 1851, 480.
Lead Mines destroyed, 544.
Lebo, Isaac, tried and convicted of treason, 289.
Lee, Col. Henry, 357.
Lee, Richard Henry, 212.
Legislature of Virginia, appoint day of fasting and prayer, 185.
Leonard, Henry, 44.
Letter in regard to controversy in regard to Mississippi river, 420, 421.
Lewis, Andrew, 149, 429.
Lewis, 41, 42, 51, 97, 102, 152, 56, 60, 68, 153, 154, 236, 237, 240, 241, 348,
349, 369, 370; Col. Charles, 149; Major, 68.
Lexington, conflict between British and Colonial troops, 204.
Lincoln's Proclamation, emancipates slaves, 524.
Livingston, Wm., Todd, and Peter, 439, 440.
Lochaber, treaty with Indians, 111, 114.
Lockhart, Major, 364.
Logan, Indian chief, 144, 145; Samuel, resolutions of court on death, 510;
William Shaw, 477.
London Company, 12.
Long Hunters, 50.
Long Island, purchased from Indians, 83; battle of, 224-227, 245, 263, 270,
278, 348, 365, 380, 388, 620.
Longley, Seldon, 785.
Lowry, Robert E., 477.
Loyal Company, 47, 48, 51, 52, 266.
Lucky, Seth J., 504.

Lusk, Samuel, scout, 436.
Lutheran Church, ministers, 846.
Lynch, Capt. Charles, 293; Jacob, 782.
McCaulay, 117.
Manufacturers, British, boycotted by merchants and citizens, 177.
Marsh, murdered Indian doctor, Gates, 483.
Marshall, Gen. Humphrey, 528; James W., 763.
Martha Washington College, 568, 615.
Martin, Elbert S., 759; Joseph, 278, 749.
Martin's Fort, 84.
Masonic Lodge organized, 445; resolutions on death of Washington, 446,
548, 565, 632.
Massacre in 1622, 16.
Massachusetts, in open rebellion, 178; legislature dissolved by Governor,
Maxwell, James, 362.
McChesney, Thomas, 479.
McClung, C. H., 790.
McCulloch, John, 479; Col. Thomas, 478.
McDaniel, Wm., 523-525.
McDonald, Angus, 149.
McGillivary, Alexander, incites Indians to war, 421.
McKenzie, Margaret, 144.
McMullen, Fayette, 482, 489, 490, 759.
Members of Congress, 816.
Members of House of Delegates, 817-819.
Members of State Senate, 819.
Memorial and petition to Governor, 437, 438.
Mendota, 691.
Methodism, 613, 616.
Methodist Episcopal Church, ministers, 844.
Methodist Protestant Church, ministers, 845.
Mexican war, enlistment of recruits, 487, 488.
Militia officers of Washington county, 261, 262, 302, 303, 853, 855.
Miller, Joseph, 477.
Mines, New River Lead, 69.
Minnick, Peter, 477.
Missionary Baptist, 846.
Mississippi river, lands first settled, 101; right to investigate claim by
Spain, 420.
Mitchell, John D., 647, 648.
Moffet, Capt. John, 480.
Moffett, Capt. Robert, 361.

Mongle, Jacob and Abram, 427.
Montgomery, Capt. James, 79, 80, 134, 229, 230, 256, 274, 285, 375, 576,
402; county, 134, 253, 254, 277, 292, 293, 337, 349, 350, 363, 364, 371,
372, 388.
Moore, Andrew, 755; James, of Abb's Valley, 382, 385; Samuel, 479.
Morgan, Gen. John H., 533, 534.
Mort, J. W., 791.
Mosby, John S., 510.
Mount, George, 39; Spottswood, 39.
Mullens, Jacob, 532.
Neff, George E., 777.
Natural Bridge and Tunnel, 583, 584.
Neece, Ann and Henry, 367, 368.
Newell, Samuel, killed and scalped, 246.
Newfoundland, 10.
Newland, Isaac, 427, 429.
Newport, Capt. Christopher, 12.
New River, settlers, wiped out of existence, 57.
Newspaper, 587, 591; first in Washington county, 447.
Nordyke, Abram, 479.
Norfolk and Great Western railroad, 556.
N. Carolina, militia of, 236.
North, Lord, 180.
Northmen, 9.
Norton, Col., 356.
Number of warriors, 235.
Oath of allegiance to Commonwealth, 274; of a justice, 138.
Oconostata, 73, 74, 223.
Officers in militia regiments, 549.
Ogden, Elias, 643.
Ohio Valley, French expelled, 69; expulsion disastrous to western settlements,
Orange county, 19, 39, 42.
Orders of Court, 303, 371, 372, 373.
Orr, James, 493.
Oscher, Simon, 367, 368.
Overton, Capt. Samuel, 61, 68.
Page, Reuben M., 555, 773.
Patton, Col. James, 43.
Pattonburg, town founded, 43.

Pearis, Richard, 60.
Pemberton, Richard, 424, 425.
People's Address, 201, 203.
Percy, Sir George, 14.
Peters, William E., 53, 779.
Petitioners for compensation, 247.
Pickens, Col., 351.
Pierpoint, Gov., 546, 548, 554.
Pitt, William, 174, 176, 183, 185, 199, 201.
Pocahontas, 13.
Point Pleasant, battle of, 151, 153; report of battle from Belfast, 151.
Police county for protection of citizens, 515.
Polk, James K., 486.
Population of Va., 851.
Port bill, order of Legislature of Va., 479.
Port duties, repealed by Parliament, 159.
Poston, Hatch D., 479.
Powder removed from Williamsburg, 204.
Powell's Valley, 365.
Powhatan, 13.
Presbyterian Church, 119; ministers, 844-845.
Presbyterianism in Washington county, 601-613; Ebbing Spring church,
608; Green Spring church, 613; Maple Grove church, 612; Rock Spring
church, 610; Spring Creek church, 612; Sinking Spring church, 607;
Walnut Grove church, 613.
Presidential elections, 452, 453 484, 485, 489.
Preston, Dr. A. R., 512, 783; Francis, 477, 755; election to Congress contested,
430; Mrs. James W., 76, 269; John, 429, 431, 432, 452, 476,
478, 792; Col. John M., 489, 643, 645; Robert, 131, 266, 267, 370, 458,
631; Thos. L., 503, 586, 647; Walter, 519, 522, 759; William, 57, 61,
67, 108, 130, 242, 348; Col. Wm., 78, 83, 146, 147, 201, 222, 247, 292,
337, 350, 352, 363, 751; Wm. Ballard, 503, 506; Wm. C., 119, 339.
Price, John W., 790.
Pridemore, A. L., 761.
Prisoners tried for crimes committed before battle, 332.
Proclamation of Peace, 1815, 463.
Protestant Episcopal Church, ministers, 845.
Provincial Assembly, convened at Albany, 162.
Public roads, orders relating thereto, 468.
Public Thanksgiving, 374, 375.
Qualifications of voters, 158, 159.
Quebec, address of Congress to French Colonists, 199.
Queen Elizabeth, 11.
Quirk, Capt. Thos., counterfeit money delivered to sheriff, 287.

Radical Convention, 1869, 553, 554.
Railroad, Lynchburg & Tenn., 480; Norfolk & Western, 556; Va. & Southwestern,
514; Va. & Tenn. incorporated, 495; meetings held in furtherance
thereof, 495-505.
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 11.
Rambo, Andrew F., 788.
Randolph, Beverly, 69.
Randolph, Edmund, 260.
Randolph, Peter, 67.
Randolph, Peyton, 188, 191, 201, 206.
Rangers, organized, 66.
Raven of Chichamogga, 249, 387.
Ray, Joseph, 367.
Recommendations to Governor for protection, 423.
Reconstruction, 1865-1870, 545.
Records of county 1821-1837 burned, 468; facts of this period taken from
Acts of Assembly, 468-475.
Redd, Capt. John, 234.
Redd, Nathan, 219.
Reform Church, ministers, 846.
Registration of voters, 550, 551.
Regulators, 115.
Regulators organized, 277.
Religious liberty, 119.
Requisition of Governor for slaves, 528, 529.
Resolutions by Dabney Carr adopted unanimously, 181; adopted by members
of the House, 186; of committee of Fincastle county, 205.
Resolutions of Va. Representatives, 188.
Revolution, American, 160.
Rhea, William, 477.
Rhea, Wm. F., 764.
Richmond, 13, 358.
Richmond, James B., 761.
Rich Mountain, battle betwen Cherokees and Shawnese, 26.
Roark's Gap, 28.
Roberts, E. L., 781.
Roberts, John, 789.
Robertson, chief justice of Kentucky, comment on land law enacted for
Kentucky, 281, 282.
Robertson, Wyndham, 766.
Roads, 41, 110, 132, 275, 272,
Roanoke Island, 11.
Roark's Gap, scene of massacre, 425.
Rockingham, Marquis of, 179.

Rowan, John L., 778.
Rowland, Capt. Thomas, roll of company, 233, 234.
Royal proclamation against whites, 81.
Royal Oak, 84.
Russell, county, court and officrs, 388-390.
Russell, Elizabeth, 614.
Russell, Wm., 150; member of Williamsburg convention, 209; movements,
arrived Long Island, 242, 243.
Sallings, 39, 40.
Salt Lake Mountain, 48.
Saltville, battle of, 534, 544; valley, 584-587.
Saltworks, branch of railroad, 510.
Sam, a slave, burnt in hand and whipped, 467.
Sandy river expedition, 60-66.
Sayers, Robert, 293.
Schofield, Gen., 551, 554.
Schools for colored children, 548.
Schuyler, Philip, 206.
Scotch-Irish, 117.
Scott, Archibald, 376-379.
Scott, Gen. Winfield, 463; county named for Gen. Scott, 464, 465; officers
of county, 426, 466.
Seal of Virginia, 212.
Secession, conventions, 512, 514; vote of Washington county for delegates,
Settlements on Ohio and Mississippi, claimed by France, 47.
Sevier, Col. John, 243, 244, 348, 360, 398.
Shawnese Indians, contest with Cherokees, 26, 30, 31.
Shawnese, history of, 32, 33; raid on present location of Tazewell, 380.
Sheffey, Daniel, 462, 756; John P., 772.
Shelby, Col. Evan, 150, 229, 247, 263, 279, 289, 294, 295, 672, 673; Col.
Isaac, 150, 153, 155, 274, 298, 380.
Shellabarger, bill, 550.
Sheriffs, refuse to give security for collection of taxes, 375.
Sinclair, Chas., 46.
Sinking Spring church, call to Rev. Chas. Cummings, 139.
Six Nations, 25, 93, 148; other tribes conquered, 24; conquer and overcome
vast territory, 89.
Slavery, beginning in America, 15.
Slemp, Campbell, 765.
Smith, Campbell, hanged, 505, 506; Capt. Francis, 476; Capt. John, 13;
Lewis and Tobias, 477; young Englishman, describes country, 93-97;
General, 452, 459, 473, 474, 756.

Snodgrass, L. H., 787.
S. Carolina, militia of, 236.
Southwest Virginia, early exploration of, 34-54; between Southern and
Northern tribes, 27.
Spain, Queen of, 20.
Spottswood, Alexander, 17, 38, 39.
Spottsylvania, 39.
Stalnaker, Samuel, 46.
Stamp Act, bill for repeal passed, 176.
Stamp duties, imposition of, 163.
State divided into ten congressional districts, 425.
Staunton river, 49.
Steele, Chas W., 781.
Steele, Miss, captured by Indians, 103.
Stephens, Col. succeeds Col. Byrd, 72.
Stoneman, Gen., 541.
Stonewall Jackson Institute, 571-575.
Stragglers and deserters, 529.
Stuart, Capt., at surrender of Fort Loudon, 72; terms of capitulation, 73;
Henry dep. Superintendent of Indian affairs, 220; John, treaty with
Cherokees, 90, 92, 110, 114.
Sullivan county established by North Carolina legislature, 300.
Summers, Geo. W., 493.
Summers, John C., 776.
Superior Court of Laws, 598.
Surveyor's record of Fincastle county, 808-816.
Surveys on Holston and Clinch, 44.
Sussex county, 39.
Sycamore Shoals, army of, 308, 314.
Tadlock, J. D., 683.
Taliquo, Indian town, 73.
Tarleton, 350, 354, 356, 358.
Tate, Thomas M., 775.
Tax on tea retained, 180.
Taylor, Hancock, 147, 148; Major James, 479; Major John, 116, 363;
Zachary, 489.
Tazewell county, Indian atrocities in, 385, 386.
Tea destroyed in Boston harbor, 183.
Tecumseh, 32.
Telico, 244.
Tennessee, admitted in 1796, 709.
Territorial Government, effort to establish, 550.
Terry, William, 760.

Test, oath, required of all citizens, 219.
Thomas, Benj., 385; Isaac, rewarded for services, 219, 243, 247.
Thompson, Charles, 191, 206; Hugh, 42; James, 104, 109, 131, 135, 237,
402; William, 83.
Thompson's Valley, 157.
Tinkling Spring, 139.
Tithables, commissioned to take lists, 258.
Tomney, W. H., 789.
Toquo, 243.
Tories and British spies, 272, 277, 292, 293, 366, 421.
Townsend, speech in House of Commons, 170.
Trade, board of, bill of parliament to appoint, 177.
Trails, Indian, 27, 28, 29, 33, 76.
Transalleghany, pioneers, 35.
Treaty with Indians, 67, 85, 90, 92, 110, 114, 247, 248; between France and
England, 79.
Tree, inscription by Boone, 76.
Trials of Americans, to be conducted in England, 178.
Trigg, Abram, 756; Connally F., 763, 774; Daniel, 787.
Troops and officers of Washington county, 517.
Troops of States in Revolutionary war, 865.
Tryon, Geo., 115.
Tuckasee, 365.
Turnpikes, Abingdon and Saltville, 447; Southwestern, 506, 509.
Turtle tribe, 32.
Union, 257, 340, 510; Camp, 150, 154.
United Colonies, 338, 373, 374, 391.
United States, 29, 33, 277, 292, 337, 421.
Ustick, John G., 447, 587, 634.
Universalist ministers, 846.
Valley of Virginia, exploration of, 39.
Vann's Towns, 360.
Van Rensselaer, 452.
Van Meter, 41.
Vaughan, 40.
Vause, Mrs., 59.
Vause's Fort, captured by French and Indians, 57, 58, 62.
Vice-Presidents, 849.
Vincennes, 286.
Virginia, disposes of large area of land, 695; boundary line between Va.
and Tenn. extended, 698-746; report of Commissioners, 699, 702; resolutions
of Va. Legislature, 702-703; letter of County Lieutenant to
Governor, 703-707; report of Committee to N. Car. Legislature, 705;
to Governor, 708; boundaries of Tenn. defined in its constitution,
709; commissioners appointed by Va. and Tenn., 710-711; report of
Commissioners, 711-720; Surveyor's report, 717; report of U. S. Coast
Survey, 721, 725; suit of Va. vs. Tenn., 725; report of Commissioners
to Supreme Court of U. S., 728; report of operation of commission of
Supreme Court, 729, 738; decision of Supreme Court, 744-746.
Vineland, 9.
Waddell, Col., 72.
Walker, Jas. A., 764.
Walker, Thomas, 43, 46, 48, 49, 50, 53, 82, 84, 89, 92, 97, 102, 268, 300,
616, 621.
Walker, agent for Loyal Land Company, 83.
Walker's Creek, raid on settlement, 368.
Walker's expedition, 48-50; Gilbert C., 554.
Wallace's Switch, 691.
Wallen, Elisha, 76.
War of 1812-1815, 448-461.
War, Mexican, 487-489.
Ward, Artemus, 206; David, 110, 116, 271, 301; George W., 773; Nancy,
228, 243, 244.
Warrior's Path, 278.
Washington College, 284.
Washington, George, 55, 56, 188, 201, 207, 209, 354; Martha, 626.
Washington county, early history, 254; re-districted, 556; first locality—
named for Washington, 256; officers of county in 1850, 493; field
officers, 363; divided into magisterial districts, 493; companies organized
and officers, 517; justices of county court, 823-829; sheriffs, 831834;
attorneys, 835-837; levy, 1777, 284; for 1775, 285; other officers
of county, 837, 839, 841, 843; revolutionary soldiers, 855-865; militia
officers in war of 1812, 865-866; Confederate soldiers in Civil war,
867-881; soldiers in Spanish American war, 881-882; area curtailed by
new survey, 300.
Watauga, 116.
Watkins, Claiborne, 431.
Watts, John, leads force of hostile Indians, 431.
Webb, William, first school-master, 557.
Weddings, description of, 125-127.
Wells, H. H., appointed Governor by Stoneman, 554.
Western Wilderness, explored by Col. Byrd and others, 93.
Whipping post, 373.
White, 368-369; Dr., 423; James, 452, 468, 482, 483, 633; James L., 76, 617,
631; John, 11; Wesley, 134; Wm. Y. C., 489.
White's Grove, Forge, 468.

Whitesides, 287-288.
White Top Mountain, 581-583.
Whitley, Wm., 380, 426.
Widener's Valley, 104.
Widows and orphans of heroes of King's Mountain, rewarded by General
Assembly of Va., 341.
Wilderness road, 280, 281, 285.
Wiley, family killed and scalped, 426.
William and Mary College, 267.
Williams, Jarrett, 220; affidavit made before Adam Bledsoe, 221, 222.
Williamsburg, 17, 38, 55, 67, 148, 151, 188, 204, 205, 207, 261, 359.
Willoughby, Andrew, 289, 631, 633; Matthew, 369.
Winston, Major, 242, 247.
Withlacooche river, 21.
Wolf Hills, 27, 76, 116, 269.
Womack, Captain, 244.
Wood, Abraham, 18, 35, 36, 38; Col. James, 43, 45.
Woods, 42, 108.
Woodward, York A., 548, 549.
Woolsey, Rev. Thomas, 371.
Wyatt, Sir Francis, 16; James, (Tites) killed after firing town, 543.
Wyndale, 691.
Xuala, 21, 22, 23, 24.
Yadkin river, 31, 142, 292.
Yancy, John, 291, 303, 369.
Yates, 483.
Yeardly, 15.
Yellow Creek, 145.
Yorktown, 357, 358.
Young, James, 134; Robert, 268.
![]() | History of southwest Virginia, 1746-1786, Washington County, 1777-1870 | ![]() |