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Sec. 290. Selling or furnishing liquor to minors or

If any merchant or tradesman or the keeper of any inn, barroom,
saloon, distillery, or any other person dealing in intoxicating
liquors sell, barter, give, or furnish, or cause to be sold,
bartered, given or furnished, or if any other person shall sell
or barter any spirituous or intoxicating or malt liquor of any
kind to a minor or to any student of the public schools or other
institutions of learning, or if any person directly or indirectly
procure from any merchant, keeper of an inn, ordinary, barroom,
distillery or any other person dealing in intoxicating
liquors, any spirituous or intoxicating or malt liquors to be sold,
bartered, given or furnished to any such minor or student, deliver,
or cause to be delivered, the same to any such minor or
students, he shall be fined not less than $25 nor more than $300,
and in the discretion of the court be confined in jail not exceeding
six months or the court shall require him to enter into a
recognizance with security in a penalty of not less than $500 to
be of good behavior for one year.

Any subsequent violation of this ordinance shall be deemed a
forfeiture of the recognizance.