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The subject of this sketch, was born in Roanoke
County May 16th, 1867, and is a son of the late Charles
Lunsford and Julia (Preston) Lunsford. He was
illustration educated in the public
and private schools of
Roanoke County and
came to Roanoke in

His father, Charles
Lunsford, was the
pioneer insurance man
in this city and section.
He wrote Fire Insurance
in Big Lick and
after the town was
incorporated into
Roanoke, he established
a business that grew and
extended until the time
of his death, January
8th, 1905. This agency
has always been regarded
as the largest and
strongest of this city and section. Charles I. Lunsford,
when he first came to Roanoke in 1882, was employed
by Charles F. Conrad, Civil Engineer, and he assisted
in building the short railroad to the Rorer Iron Mines,
about five miles southwest of this city. He then accepted
a position in the Clerical Department of the
Norfolk & Western Offices and remained with that corporation
for four years.

In 1887 he took charge of the insurance business that
had been established by his father, and by careful
study of the principles of underwriting, and equipping
himself to properly handle the business of corporations
and other large interests, has made for his firm an
enviable reputation in this section of Virginia, and a
resultant large and lucrative patronage.

At the death of his father, he and his brother, Kirk
Lunsford, succeeded to the business which still continues
under the old firm name of Charles Lunsford &
Sons. These gentlemen handle all kinds of insurance;
life, fire, accident, health, liability, plate-glass, steam
boiler, burglary, and guarantee bonds, etc.

As an insurance man, Charles I. Lunsford takes high
rank, and has frequently been called upon to adjust
fire losses. He was sent to San Francisco after the
earthquake and fire in 1906 by the German American
Insurance Company of New York and handled and
adjusted their losses in that city. This company
alone had liabilities of approximately $4,000,000
in that city, and he was kept busy there for several
months in adjusting the losses satisfactorily to everybody

The firm represents many of the largest companies
of the world.

Mr. Lunsford is a member of the joint conference
committee of the National Association of Local Fire
Insurance Agents. This committee consists of ten
men—five representing the agency interest of the
United States and five representing the companies.
He is also Vice President of the National Association
of Local Fire Insurance Agents.

Mr. Lunsford was married to Miss Frances Baggett,
daughter of John and Sarah Baggett, of Texas, in 1891.