University of Virginia Library

With these words Hermes sped away for lofty Olympos:
And Priam all fearlessly from off his chariot alighted,
Ordering Idaeus to remain i' the entry to keep watch
Over the beasts: th'old king meanwhile strode doughtily onward,
Where Achilles was then most wont to be, and sitting indoors
Found he him; all his men sat apart; for his only attendance
His squire Automedon and Alkimos in battle upgrown
Mov'd busilie to and fro serving, for late he had eaten,
And the supper-table disfurnish'd yet stood anigh him.
And Priam entering unperceiv'd til he well was among them,
Clasp'd his knees & seized his hands all humbly to kiss them,
Those dread murderous hands which his sons so many had slain.