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The Poetical Works of William Drummond of Hawthornden

With "A Cypresse Grove": Edited by L. E. Kastner

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xix. A Character of the Anti-Couenanter, or Malignant.

Would yee know these royall knaues
Of free Men would turne vs slaues;
Who our Vnion doe defame
With Rebellions Wicked Name?
Read these Verses, and yee il spring them,
Then on Gibbetes straight cause hing them.
They complaine of sinne and follye,
In these tymes so passing hollye
They their substance will not giue,
Libertines that we maye liue;
Hold that people too too wantom,
Vnder an old king dare cantom.
They neglecte our circular Tables,
Scorne our actes and lawes as fables,
Of our battales talke but meeklye,
With sermones foure content them weeklye,
Sweare King Charles is neither Papist,
Armenian, Lutherian, Atheist;
But that in his Chamber-Prayers,
Which are pour'd 'midst Sighs and Tears,


To avert God's fearful Wrath,
Threatning us with Blood and Death,
Persuade they would the Multitude,
This King too holy is and good.
They avouch we'll weep and groan
When Hundred Kings we serve for one,
That each Shire but Blood affords
To serve the Ambition of young Lords,
Whose Debts ere now had been redoubled,
If the State had not been troubled.
Slow they are our Oath to swear,
Slower for it Arms to bear;
They do Concord love and Peace,
Would our Enemies embrace,
Turn Men Proselytes by the Word,
Not by Musket, Pike, and Sword.
They Swear that for Religion's Sake
We may not massacre, burn, sack;
That the Beginning of these Pleas
Sprang from the ill-sped ABC's;
For Servants that it is not well
Against their Masters to Rebel;
That that Devotion is but slight
Doth force men first to swear, then fight;
That our Confession is indeed
Not the Apostolick CREED,
Which of Negations we contrive,
Which Turk and Jew may both subscrive;
That Monies should Men's Daughters marry,
They on frantick War miscarry,
Whilst dear the Souldiers they pay,
At last who will snatch all away,
And as Times turn worse and worse,
Catechise us by the Purse;
That Debts are paid with bold stern Looks,
That Merchants pray on their Compt-books;
That Justice, dumb and sullen, frowns


To see in Croslets hang'd her Gowns;
That Preachers ordinary Theme
Is 'gainst Monarchy to declaim;
That since Leagues we began to swear,
Vices did ne're so black appear;
Oppression, Blood-shed, ne're more rife,
Foul Jars between the Man and Wife;
Religion so contemn'd was never,
Whilst all are raging in a Fever.
They tell by Devils and some sad Chance
That that detestable League of France,
Which cost so many Thousand Lives,
And Two Kings by Religious Knives,
Is amongst us, though few descry;
Though they speak Truth, yet say they Lye.
Hee that sayes that night is night,
That halting folk walk not vpright,
That the owles into the spring
Doe not nightingalles outsing;
That the seas wee can not plough,
Plant strawberryes in the raine-bow;
That waking men doe not sound sleep,
That the fox keepes not the sheep;
That alls not gold doth gold appeare,
Belieue him not although hee sweere.
To such syrenes stope your eare,
Their societyes forbeare.
Tossed you may be like a waue,
Veritye may you deceaue;
True fools they may make of you;
Hate them worse than Turke or Jew.
Were it not a dangerous Thing,
Should yee againe obey the king,
Lordes losse should souueraigntie,


Souldiours haste backe to Germanie,
Justice should in your Townes remaine,
Poore Men possesse their own againe,
Brought out of Hell that word of plunder
More terrible than diuell & Thunder,
Should with the Couenant flye away,
And charitye amongst vs stay?
When yee find those lying fellowes,
Take & flowere with them the Gallowes;
On otheres yee maye too laye hold,
In purse or chestes if they haue Gold.
Who wise or rich are in the Nation,
Malignants are by protestation.
Peace and plentie should vs nurish,
True religion with vs flourish.