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But far, far off, upon the sea's expanse,
The very silence has a shriek of fear;

In the suspense and stillness which precede a storm on or near the ocean, or any other vast extent of water, there is an effect produced on the feelings of some persons as if a shriek were really uttered in the distance. This effect was probably attributed, by such of the ancients as observed it, to their sea-gods or nymphs. Christian fathers or Jewish rabbins must have supposed it to proceed from those angels, who, according to the books of the latter, preside over the elements.


And, 'cross the sight, thick shadows seem to glance;
And sounds like laughter ring, yet leave the ear
In racking doubt if it has heard such peal,
Or if 'twas but affrighted fancy spoke:
Past that suspense, and, lesser pain to feel,
As giant rends his chains, the bursting tempest woke.