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Dec. 1-7
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Dec. 1-7

Hear Mr Meade preach ....a good sermon. Advent Sunday and communion day. Go afterwards with little Sis to Rugby to meet brother Jim by his appointment Monday night. I'm glad to be with my sisters. On Monday Sally and I go out visiting ....How much pleasanter this life would seem if we would all study good natures, always to have a kind word for our fellows brings It don't cost anything and how much lighter hearted we feel after a friendly greeting. Sally, sister Betty and I suffer a severe disappointment in the non-arrival of brother Jim at the time appointed. We look for him until dark. There is one comfort, it may be a pleasure deferred. We hope for some day this week. Brother Brown brings us home Tuesday evening and go to my usual work-teaching, reading and sewing. Walk to town one day this week. Good news from Jabe. He hopes to get a leave of absence for 30 days soon so we hope to have him with us at Xmas. Wrote a long letter to Bob and had one from Sue. She is talking of coming up soon ....[Other letters written.] Poor little Sis has such a terrible headache tonight; not able to appear at supper ....