University of Virginia Library


The messenger of vengeance—see her sword;
Accept it and be free.

(offers the sword)
First let me know
To whom I am indebted for't.

To me.
Soon as the rumour of thy foul disgrace
Had reach'd the public ear, th'impatient people
Uncertain of thy fate, tumultuous throng'd
Around the palace, and demanded thee;
Give us our Warwick, give us back, they cry'd
Our hero, our deliv'rer—I step'd forth
And bade them, instant, if they wish'd to save


The best of men, from infamy, and death,
To follow me: transported they obey'd:
I led them hither: forced the prison gates,
And brought thee this—direct it as thou wilt.

(Gives the sword.)
Welcome once more, thou dearest gift of heav'n
Immortal liberty! my friend, I thank thee.
O Pembroke, woud'st thou had'st been here! my love,
My dear Elizabeth is true.

At least
You think so.

She has told me such sweet truths;
Edward repents him sorely, he is griev'd
At his ingratitude.

And well he may;
I fear thou art betray'd: alas! my Warwick,
Thy open gen'rous unsuspecting virtue
Thinks ev'ry heart as honest as thy own.
Thou know'st not Edward—nor Elizabeth.
The Kingdom is in arms, and ev'ry hour,
It is expected France will join the queen:
England will want its great protector's aid.
Edward and Rivers have conspired to cheat
Thy credulous ear, and who so fit to spread
The flimsy web as thy Elizabeth,
Their fair ambassadress? I see thou'rt caught.

By heav'n! it may be so: I am the sport
Of fortune and of fraud.


Away, my friend:
It is not now a time to think of her:
Marg'ret, supported by thy pow'rful name,
And join'd by Clarence, waits us at the head
Of fifteen thousand men, who, eager all
To crush a tyrant, and pull down oppression,
Attend thy wish'd-for presence; not a soldier
Will act or move till Warwick shall direct them.
Edward and England's fate depend on thee.

Away my friend, I'll follow thee.
[Exit Pembroke.
Yet stop
A moment—let not passion hurry me
To base dishonour—if my country calls
For Warwick's aid, shall I not hear her voice,
And save her? Pembroke may have private views,
And subtle Marg'ret too—Elizabeth!
I must not lose thee—O! direct me heav'n!