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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes
4 occurrences of psalter
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Psalme. XX.
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4 occurrences of psalter
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Psalme. XX.

The Argument.

This prayth for kinges
Good prosperinges
theyr realmes to haue defence,
Where Christ is ment
By fore entent
of Dauids sprite in sence.

Exaudiat te Dominus.


God graunt he heare: with blessed eare,
thy sutes in day of wo:
Gods name so great: whom Iacob met,
promoote thee where thou go.


God send thee ayde: where power is layd,
from sanctuary place:
He strengtht thee sure: full strong t'endure,
from Syon hill of grace.


Let hym keepe hye: in memorye,
thy sacrifices all:
The bullockes brent: so redolent,
to mynde all them to call.




Graunt he thy will: of hart to fill,
in sickenes eke and health:
Confirme he shall: thy counsayles all,
to worke thy peoples wealth.


In helth of thee: glad we shal bee,
and triumphes make we will:
In gods good name: his prayse to fame,
thy vowes God shall fulfill.


I know that now: God will allowe,
his Christ and saue him deare:
To heare him nye: from heauen so hye,
by healthfull hand he bearth.


Some trust their horse: some charets force,
thus they presume of strength:
But we wyll bynde: Gods name in mynde,
for he is Lord at length.


For where we see: how low they bee,
and falne, so foule deceyued:
We ryse in sight: and stand vpright,
by myght of God receyued.


O Lord we sing: saue, keepe the king,
heare vs and saue vs aye:
Both hym and his: preserue and blis,
his realme defend we pray.