University of Virginia Library



In strange deep fashion God himself bestows
Creation as a spotless bride on each,
And, pale with coming pleasure beyond speech,
Himself unrobes her shoulder as the snows,
Himself unveils the countenance that glows
As moonlight cast across an August beach,
Or as the golden tremulous streams that reach
The shore, when sunset's beaker overflows.
“Is she not beautiful?” he says, and stands
Watching the eager glances of the boy
For whom this ivory sweet-shapen toy
He fashioned into life between his hands,
And wove her hair in silken subtlest strands,
And chose a marble block without alloy.


“Is she not beautiful, this marble maid
Creation, with her rivers and her stars,
And fiery-tinted azure-circled cars,
And palms that canopy a perfect shade?
Come, touch her hair, be daring,—not a braid
But hath the perfume of the western seas:
Sweet savours as of cinnamon in these
I tenderly invented and conveyed.
O thou that hast her, see thou hold her fast,
She is Infinite before thee; not for time,
For endless aspiration of a rhyme
That trembles not at death's bleak-biting blast,
For issue of a trumpet-volume vast
Of Song, for valour of long steps to climb,
“I give her to thee; see thou hold her fair
With most chaste pressure of most perfect hands,
Lest lips should shrivel as they kiss the bands
Of beautiful exuberance of hair:
Believe me, brother, such a bride is rare,
That marble-bodied Universe that stands
Before thee,—and green eloquence of lands,


And flowers tropical she can prepare.
And she can crown thee; not with any bays
Of earth, poor pointed dark-hued sorry leaves,
But with the pressure of immediate praise
Of lips, and every arrow-hilt that grieves
Thy soul she can extract,—she sits and weaves
The golden chains of everlasting lays.
“Is she not beautiful? her body fair
I chiselled far away before the earth
Came as an infant to primeval birth,
And plumes of Paradise-birds to form her hair
Were ready, and of tender lashes rare
Of soft-eyed stags there was not any dearth,
And many spirits moulded I in mirth
One perfect after-spirit to prepare.
My eye was on this meeting from afar,
And hidden in the green of forest leaves,
Or under shadows of the golden sheaves
No hand of man had gathered, this sweet star
I chose for you, of all the suns that are
Strung upon heaven's bright blue nodding eaves


“Like swallows' nests beneath a roof; this sight,
This vision of the Universe for you,
This sweet dividing of the veil of blue,
That so thou mightest adore a Goddess white,
This soft uplifting of her lashes bright
To give thy vehemence a long first view,
This glory that for ever shall renew
The God-sent magic of the nuptial night:
This perfect pure enfolding of chaste arms,
And breath of roses heavy on the air,
And delicate unbinding of her hair,
And golden palace of perpetual charms,
And swift transition from life's lone alarms
To peace in bowers unutterably fair.”