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Songs and ballads

By Charles Swain

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It needs not great wealth a kind heart to display,—
If the hand be but willing, it soon finds a way;
And the poorest one yet in the humblest abode
May help a poor brother a step on his road.
Oh! whatever the fortune a man may have won,
A kindness depends on the way it is done;
And though poor be our purse, and though narrow our span,
Let us all try to do a good turn when we can.
The bright bloom of pleasure may charm for a while,
But its beauty is frail, and inconstant its smile;
Whilst the beauty of kindness, immortal in bloom,
Sheds a sweetness o'er life, and a grace o'er the tomb!
Then if we enjoy life, why, the next thing to do,
Is to see that another enjoys his life too;
And though poor be our purse, and though narrow our span,
Let us all try to do a good turn when we can.