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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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No Blessings can be earned in this Life, till
Thou hast prepared thyself for them — hast brought
Thy Mind into a fitting Mood. For nought
Divine can be attained, till Heart and Will
Are purified — the inward Fount whence still
All Good must flow. Life's coarsest Stuff is wrought
To pure Etherial Forms, by thy own Thought,
When schooled its sublime Duty to fulfill.
Our Thoughts are our best Blessings — these alone
Deserve the Name — all others are but Dross,
Where these are not-and where these are, the Loss
Of those, unfelt: the Treasure is thine own
Already, which thou sought'st without; it lies


Within thee; think but so, and it is won.
Make thyself worthy of it first, (for none
Who earn not, gain the Treasures of the Skies),
And then thou needst not seek for it, 'tis thine!
Live pure then, as an Angel! be divine,
Be Godlike, yea! for such thou art, and then
Thou wilt become an Angel — wilt possess
In thine own Bosom, every Blessing, when
Thou hast thereof but a due Consciousness!
And to this End, ask nought of Heaven, but take
Whate'er it sends, in calm Contentedness;
For such a Temper Good of all can make,
Till Life's worst Ills departing, turn and bless
Thy Threshhold, changed to Angels for thy sake!