University of Virginia Library



One day in the midst of a burning July,
When meadows were parched and the rivulets dry,
A cluster of Bees in extreme trepidation,
Flew towards a serynga to hold consultation.
Their speaker declared, when he saw them assembled,
That even in June for their prospects he trembled;
But now it was plain that for love or for money,
No flowers could be got that would furnish good honey.
The Bumble Bees managed to scrape up a store:
Their under-ground cellars he longed to explore:
'Twas strange that such poor clumsy creatures could thrive
When famine had fallen on those of the hive.
He added, that as to their winter provision
He really could come to no sort of decision;
But hinted that those who by hunger were press'd,
Might feast, if they chose, in the Bumble Bees' nest.
Some virtuous insects this motion rejected—
The multitude vowed it must not be neglected;
And soon the objectors were glad to conform,
And haste to the banquet along with the swarm.


They flew to a bank, which abounded in moss—
The Bumble Bees' threshold they ventured to cross;
Three parts of the honey the naughty ones stole,
And as to the bee-bread they ate up the whole.
“These combs,” observed they, “are not equal to ours—
This honey was got from the coarsest of flow'rs.”
But while they were stuffing and making their brags,
The Bumble Bees enter'd to empty their bags.
Their hair stood on end, and they all looked aghast,
The strangers to view at their lawless repast;—
“Thieves! robbers!” they cried; “O you house-breaking bees!”
The feasters immediately fell on their knees.
“Have pity,” cried they, “on our grievous distress,
We purpose, next summer, the wrong to redress;
Your hearts we well know to be melting as wax,
And soft as the velvet that covers your backs.”
Their prayers the good Bumble Bees couldn't resist—
Said they,—“What you've taken will never be missed;
Thus worn and exhausted no more you shall roam,
But make, for the season, moss-grotto your home.”


This kind invitation was gladly embraced,
The Bumble Bees toiled to make up for the waste;
They tapped the flower juice in its deepest recess,
And scoured the whole country to furnish the mess.
We're told, like the bee and the ant, to be wise;
Their prudence and industry no one denies:
I wish we could feel, though it were but in part,
The kindness that glows in a Bumble Bee's heart.