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The Sea-King

A metrical romance, in six cantos. With notes, historical and illustrative. By J. Stanyan Bigg

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Here, stooping down he entered, and unloosed
From all its fastenings a small fragile boat,
Which soon was set afloat.
A push from the oar, and a spring—
And he and the frail boat swing
Right out on the restless sea;
Merrily, merrily, merrily
They dance on the dancing wave,
They speed away together,
Despite of wind and weather
Far away from the stormy cave.
Round them still the wild waves sing,
Round them still the waters ring
And ever restless, roar;


Till they two can scarce be seen,
Through the thin spray bright and sheen,—
Moving from the distant shore,
And sunk behind the waves, they can be seen no more.