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A New Song to an Old Tune.
Dandy Melborne one day
Said to sage Gaffer Grey,
“We must now hold a grand consul-tation;
Since Spencer's ‘gone dead,’
We shall want a new head
To conduct the affairs of the nation;
For now he's got this elevation,
Althorp can't keep his old situ-ation,
And where's the three-decker
Can take the Exchequer,
In our tight little Adminis-tration?
Said to sage Gaffer Grey,
“We must now hold a grand consul-tation;
We shall want a new head
To conduct the affairs of the nation;
For now he's got this elevation,
Althorp can't keep his old situ-ation,
And where's the three-decker
Can take the Exchequer,
In our tight little Adminis-tration?
“As for Durham, you know,
He's been down to Glasgow,
And made an infernal o-ration,
Calling all or us ‘fools,’
And ‘rogues’ and ‘Brougham's tools’
(To that Peer's no small morti-fication);
And since that great Illumin-ation
Of the Law, meets such vituper-ation
From your son-in-law; he
As your Lordship must see,
Can't be one of our Adminis-tration.
He's been down to Glasgow,
And made an infernal o-ration,
Calling all or us ‘fools,’
And ‘rogues’ and ‘Brougham's tools’
(To that Peer's no small morti-fication);
And since that great Illumin-ation
Of the Law, meets such vituper-ation
From your son-in-law; he
As your Lordship must see,
Can't be one of our Adminis-tration.
Edward Littleton, too,
Would, I fear, never do,
Though we might, as to mere calcu-lation,
Send for Bowring from France,
To teach him finance,
And subtraction, and multipli-cation;
But you know what a sad pertur-bation
He occasioned our Associ-ation
By that business with Dan,
Which demolished the man
As a part of our Adminis-tration.
Would, I fear, never do,
Though we might, as to mere calcu-lation,
Send for Bowring from France,
To teach him finance,
And subtraction, and multipli-cation;
He occasioned our Associ-ation
By that business with Dan,
Which demolished the man
As a part of our Adminis-tration.
“There's that Scotch Abercromby
May, it's fancied by some, be
Possess'd of a qualifi-cation;
His return, to be sure,
Is pretty secure,
And that's no small consider-ation;
For since in her old corpor-ation
We've produced such transmogrifi-cation,
With his tongue in his cheek, he
May blarney Auld Reekie,
And humbug her whole popu-lation.
May, it's fancied by some, be
Possess'd of a qualifi-cation;
His return, to be sure,
Is pretty secure,
And that's no small consider-ation;
For since in her old corpor-ation
We've produced such transmogrifi-cation,
With his tongue in his cheek, he
May blarney Auld Reekie,
And humbug her whole popu-lation.
“But then, there's Ned Ellice,
You know, would be jealous,
That rose-bud of civili-zation;
Though the Tories defame him
And grossly nick-name him,
Which causes him great tribu-lation—
Yet why should it give him vex-ation!
Ursa Major's a prime constel-lation,
And who dares declare
Him the only ‘Great Bear’
To be found in our Adminis-tration?
You know, would be jealous,
That rose-bud of civili-zation;
Though the Tories defame him
And grossly nick-name him,
Which causes him great tribu-lation—
Yet why should it give him vex-ation!
Ursa Major's a prime constel-lation,
Him the only ‘Great Bear’
To be found in our Adminis-tration?
“As to little John Russell,
Who's in such a bustle
To put us to farther ‘pur-gation,’
With his ‘Ballot’ and nonsense,
We cannot, in conscience,
Consent to such gross inno-vation.
We must all view with great constern-ation,
A seat of but three years' dur-ation;
The King and the Church
We can leave in the lurch,
But we can't leave our Adminis-tration.
Who's in such a bustle
To put us to farther ‘pur-gation,’
With his ‘Ballot’ and nonsense,
We cannot, in conscience,
Consent to such gross inno-vation.
We must all view with great constern-ation,
A seat of but three years' dur-ation;
The King and the Church
We can leave in the lurch,
But we can't leave our Adminis-tration.
“Stay! by Jingo, I've caught
What you'll own's a bright thought,
Unless I've lost all pene-tration—
I'll be off in a trice,
And take with me Spring Rice,
To propose for the King's appro-bation!
When once I've made this presen-tation,
There's an end to our whole bother-ation;
And no longer sticks
In this ‘tarnation fix’
Our rickety Adminis-tration.”
What you'll own's a bright thought,
Unless I've lost all pene-tration—
I'll be off in a trice,
And take with me Spring Rice,
To propose for the King's appro-bation!
When once I've made this presen-tation,
There's an end to our whole bother-ation;
And no longer sticks
In this ‘tarnation fix’
Our rickety Adminis-tration.”
Jumping into a chaise
('Twas an old hack of Grey's),
Melly dropped here this grave conver-sation,
And bade the postillion
Drive towards “the Pavilion”
Without further procrasti-nation:
But conceive our poor friend's desper-ation,
When, in answer to this appli-cation,
Turning coolly about,
Said the Sov'reign “You're out!
And I'll form a new Adminis-tration!”
('Twas an old hack of Grey's),
Melly dropped here this grave conver-sation,
And bade the postillion
Drive towards “the Pavilion”
Without further procrasti-nation:
But conceive our poor friend's desper-ation,
When, in answer to this appli-cation,
Turning coolly about,
Said the Sov'reign “You're out!
And I'll form a new Adminis-tration!”
Alas! and alack!
When his Lordship got back,
Only fancy the cold perspir-ation
The Whigs were all in,
When they heard where he'd been,
And his journey's abrupt termi-nation.
Holland House, at the first intim-ation,
Became one scene of sad lamen-tation!
A succession of fits
Turn'd poor Palmerston's wits,
And produced mental halluci-nation.
When his Lordship got back,
Only fancy the cold perspir-ation
The Whigs were all in,
When they heard where he'd been,
And his journey's abrupt termi-nation.
Holland House, at the first intim-ation,
Became one scene of sad lamen-tation!
A succession of fits
Turn'd poor Palmerston's wits,
And produced mental halluci-nation.
Then in Great Stanhope-street
The confusion was great
In a certain superb habi-tation,
Where, seated at tea,
O'er a dish of Bohea,
Brougham was quaffing his “usual po-tation.”
(For you know his indignant ne-gation,
When accused once of jollific-ation)—
Down went saucer and cup,
Which Le Marchant picked up,
Not to hear his Lord mutter “d—n-ation!”
The confusion was great
In a certain superb habi-tation,
O'er a dish of Bohea,
Brougham was quaffing his “usual po-tation.”
(For you know his indignant ne-gation,
When accused once of jollific-ation)—
Down went saucer and cup,
Which Le Marchant picked up,
Not to hear his Lord mutter “d—n-ation!”
But this greatest of men
Soon caught hold of a pen,
And, after slight delibe-ration,
No longer he tosses
His flexile proboscis
About, in so much exci-tation;
But, scribbling with great ani-mation,
He sends off a communi-cation:
“Dearest Lyndhurst,” says he,
“Can't you find room for me
When constructing your Adminis-tration?
Soon caught hold of a pen,
And, after slight delibe-ration,
No longer he tosses
His flexile proboscis
About, in so much exci-tation;
But, scribbling with great ani-mation,
He sends off a communi-cation:
“Dearest Lyndhurst,” says he,
“Can't you find room for me
When constructing your Adminis-tration?
“Though the ‘Times’ says I'm mad,
And each rascally Rad
Abuses my tergiver-sation—
Though those humbugs, the Whigs,
Swear that my ‘Thimble-rigs’
Were the cause of all their vacill-ation;
The whole story's a base fabri-cation
To damage my great reputa-tion;
So now, to be brief,
Only make me Lord Chief,
And I'll serve without remuner-ation!”
And each rascally Rad
Abuses my tergiver-sation—
Though those humbugs, the Whigs,
Swear that my ‘Thimble-rigs’
Were the cause of all their vacill-ation;
To damage my great reputa-tion;
So now, to be brief,
Only make me Lord Chief,
And I'll serve without remuner-ation!”
When he found 'twas “no go,”
And that Lyndhurst and Co.
Were deaf to all solicit-ation,
As 'twas useless with Lyndy
To kick up a shindy,
He resolved upon peregrin-ation;
Not waiting for much prepa-ration,
He bolted with precipi-tation
A sad loss I ween,
To Charles Knight's Magazine,
And to Stinkomalee edu-cation!
And that Lyndhurst and Co.
Were deaf to all solicit-ation,
As 'twas useless with Lyndy
To kick up a shindy,
He resolved upon peregrin-ation;
Not waiting for much prepa-ration,
He bolted with precipi-tation
A sad loss I ween,
To Charles Knight's Magazine,
And to Stinkomalee edu-cation!
So now that the Noodles,
The Doodles, and Foodles
Of the Radico-Whig combination
Are off, and the Realm
Has sound men at the helm,
Let us give them full co-operation!
Superior to intimi-dation,
May they free us from mere mob-dictation.
Till her Altar and Throne
Grateful England shall own,
Preserv'd by Peel's Adminis-tration!
The Doodles, and Foodles
Of the Radico-Whig combination
Are off, and the Realm
Has sound men at the helm,
Let us give them full co-operation!
Superior to intimi-dation,
May they free us from mere mob-dictation.
Grateful England shall own,
Preserv'd by Peel's Adminis-tration!
The Ingoldsby Lyrics | ||