University of Virginia Library

Prayer for the Royal Family.

“Fountain of all Goodness, we humbly beseech Thee to bless all the Royal Family.” —Prayer Book.

Scions of a kingly race!
In whose features myriads trace
Futurity with awful joy,
Cold the hearts which gaze on ye,
While no pulse of sympathy,
Throbs to behold some princely Boy,—
Or regal Maiden, on whose brow
Diadem'd with beauty now,
A jewell'd crown may one day rest,
When her sceptred Hand shall wield
Empire over minds that yield
Allegiance, which The Lord hath blest.
Youth begets prophetic awe:
Who its fair brow ever saw
Nor inly felt some prescient thought
O'er his spirit dimly cast,—
Shaping, when dread years have past,
With what a doom life may be fraught!


Cottage-babes in cradle sleeping,
Orphan'd infants, wan and weeping,
Each might thrill the soul of prayer
Did we ponder,—what a Soul
Fated for immense control,
In weakness may lie shrouded there!
But, if thus the lowly can
Thrill the mind of thinking Man,
How fearfully we gaze on those,—
Offspring of a royal Line,
Rulers by a Law divine,
To whom the Isle-queen fealty owes!
Purest Fount of perfect Good,
By Whose word and will hath stood
Firm, fast, and free, our public Weal!
Prosper, and enrich with grace
Princess of majestic race,
And let them all Thine Unction feel.
May Thy Spirit each endue
With all motives, high and true,—
Children who are dawning Kings!
Props, and Pillars let them prove
To each cause the holy love,
O'ershadow'd by Jehovah's wings.
Ever may a virtuous line
Like the circling olive twine
Around the Sovereign's regal board;
And as long as Britain smiles
From Her triple-throne of Isles,
Be each and all with blessings stored.
Nations unto Christ belong:
By Him strengthen'd, are they strong,
From Whom the sceptred Empires draw
Principles which guard and guide
All which makes Britannia's pride,—
Her civic Weal, by Christian-law!


King of kings! and Lord of lords!
Sanction these adoring words
Our litanies intone before Thee;
Church and Crown, oh, let them be
Wedded in themselves, and Thee,
And both will brighten in Thy glory.

We and all her subjects, duly considering Whose authority she hath.” —Collect in Communion Service.

Ps. cxxviii. 3.