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Gaston de Blondeville, or The court of Henry III

Keeping festival in Ardenne, a romance. St. Alban's Abbey, a metrical tale; With some poetical pieces. By Anne Radcliffe ... To which is prefixed: A memoir of the author, with extracts from her journals. In four volumes

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But, at high tide, ere all was past,
Marched the huge Wassail-bowl the last,
Obedient to the Abbot's call,
Borne by the Steward of the hall;
The Marshal with his wand before
And streamers gay and rosemary,
And choral carols sounding o'er.
'Twas set beside the father's dais,
Where oft the Deacon, in his place,
Who bearer of the grace-cup was,
Filled high the cordial Hippocras
From out that bowl of spicery,
And served the Abbot on his knee;
Then, sent around to every board
This farewell-wassail from his lord.
The Abbot, tasting of the wine,
Rose from his chair, in wonted sign
The feast was o'er; yet stood awhile
In cheerful converse with high guest,
Who from the tables round him pressed


Then, with a kind and gracious smile,
The wassail and the board he blessed,
Ere yet he left the gorgeous scene,
And sought the tranquil shade within.