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I wronged you when I dared to say
You were unkind, untrue.
I see you love me, as to-day
I see the skies are blue.
Oh, love, look up! Our skies in spring
Were not more bright, more clear.
And they and you seem whispering
The same things in my ear.
Let me consider what they say!
The airs that fan my cheek
Are full of words. Or is it they,
Or is it you, that speak?


“Trust us,” they say. “You feel our touch;
It still is soft and fair.
Trust us; but trust us not too much,
We are not what we were.
“The sun is high, and clear the sky;
The beds are starred with flowers,
But slow and still a secret chill
Is creeping through the hours.
“How warm the gleam of yonder stream!
But every morning spies
In shadows dim along the brim
A furtive fringe of ice.
“Oh fool, beware—Your heart lies bare.
Be warned in time, and fold
Your cloak across your breast or e'er
Your veins are numbed with cold.’