University of Virginia Library



Now, Sharp, I admit that those troublesome geese
Were the very worst foes for my early Spring peas,
But I must say I grieve for this gander's decease,
You remarkably truculent lurcher.
If dogs have a Prophet, a possible fact,
He surely prescribes how your kindred should act,
And I feel very certain he advocates tact,
You remarkably truculent lurcher.
To pull out a feather or so from behind
Would teach even goslings their manners to mind;
And a goose to such warnings is never quite blind,
You remarkably truculent lurcher.


But chasing a goose to the shed by the stack,
And killing him there in that dark cul de sac,
Displays of forgiveness a terrible lack,
You remarkably truculent lurcher.
I whistled and shouted till, growing quite hoarse,
I thumped with my stick as a final resource;
But I cannot admit that you showed much remorse,
You remarkably truculent lurcher.
Now Farmer Treherne, in a note cold as frost,
Has sent me a bill for the bird he has lost;
Nine shillings and sixpence your butchery cost,
You remarkably truculent lurcher.


When honoured next time by a visit from geese,
Allow me to say, and to emphasize, please,
That I really prefer them to damage my peas,
You remarkably truculent lurcher.