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Matthew Prior. Poems on Several Occasions

The Text Edited by A. R. Waller

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[If Wine and Musick have the Pow'r]

If Wine and Musick have the Pow'r,
To ease the Sickness of the Soul;
Let Phoebus ev'ry String explore;
And Bacchus fill the sprightly Bowl.
Let Them their friendly Aid imploy,
To make my Cloe's Absence light;
And seek for Pleasure, to destroy
The Sorrows of this live-long Night.
But She to Morrow will return:
Venus, be Thou to Morrow great;
Thy Myrtles strow, Thy Odours burn;
And meet Thy Fav'rite Nymph in State.
Kind Goddess, to no other Pow'rs
Let Us to Morrow's Blessings own:
Thy darling Loves shall guide the Hours;
And all the Day be Thine alone.