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Poems by the Late Reverend Dr. Thomas Blacklock

Together with an Essay on the Education of the Blind. To Which is Prefixed A New Account of the Life and Writings of the Author

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The subject proposed.—Address to Miss H---y.—General reflections inspir'd by the subject, and previous to it.—The scene opens with a prospect of Mrs. M---n's funeral solemnity: and changes to the untimely fate of a beautiful youth, son to Mr J---s H---ll, whose early genius, quick progress in learning, and gentle dispositions, inspired his friends with the highest expectations of his riper attainments.—Transition to the death of Dr. J---s H---y Physician: his character as such: the general sorrow occasioned by his fate: his character as a friend, as particularly qualified to sooth distress; as a gentleman; as an husband; as a father: his loss considered in all these relations, particularly as sustained by Miss H---y: her tender care of him during his sickness described.—The piece concludes with an apotheosis, in imitation of Virgil's Daphnis.