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Ye Saints (to You the task belongs,
And Praise sits comely on Your tongues;)
Wake to Jehovah's name the lute,
Nor let the ten-string'd lyre be mute:
O sing, in accents loud and strong,
O sing some new-invented song;
And let the singer's artful stroke
The psalt'ry's various pow'r provoke,
And teach the praise of Israel's Lord
To vibrate on the sounding chord.
His words eternal Truth has seal'd;
His promises in act fulfill'd
Shall Equity and Judgement prove
The changeless objects of his love,
And bid the Earth's wide confines know
The gifts that from his bounty flow.


His Word yon azure vault outspread,
E'er Time the Seasons onward led;
Form'd by his Breath the starry host
Their unextinguish'd lustre boast;
While in their cavern'd storehouse sleep
The treasures of the watry deep.
Thy Maker's name, O Earth, revere;
And let thy Sons with holy fear
To Him in low prostration bend,
And duteous his decrees attend.
He spake: And Heav'n, and Seas, and Land,
Appear'd. He bade: And lo, they stand.
Their counsels vain the Heathen Tribes
Unite; but God th' event prescribes,
And blasts at will each hope that springs
Within the breast of haughtiest Kings.
Thy counsel, from controul secure,
Thy counsel only shall endure;
Thy thoughts to Time's remotest bound
With sure effect, great God, be crown'd.
How blest the People that have known
Thee, Lord, their God, and Thee alone;
The Flock thy heritage declar'd,
And objects of thy fix'd regard!
Wide o'er the Sons of Earth his eye
The Pow'r eternal from on high


Extends, (that Pow'r, whose hand, with art
Mysterious, forms the human heart,)
Through life's wild maze their steps pursues,
Each act, each thought, attentive views.
Think not, Ye Kings, (His aid resign'd,)
In well-arm'd Hosts Your help to find:
In vain with conscious pride the steed
Vaunts in the fight his strength and speed;
In vain the Warrior bold and young
His arm with active vigour strung:
Nor This shall promise from the sword
Himself to save, nor That his Lord.
Hail, sure Protector of the Just!
From Him who builds on Thee his trust
Thy arm averts with studious care
Each death that viewless wings the air;
Thy hand with food his life sustains,
When drought infests the blasted plains.
Our Souls by Thee, their Help and Shield,
With patient hope have stood upheld;
Thy sacred Name our trust, each mind
From Thee shall joy perpetual find:
That joy to our desiring heart
O let thy Mercy now impart;
And give thy Servants, Lord, to see
How just the hope that rests on Thee.