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'Twas now the important task began,
The embryo of the future man.
Kind Nature had, with fond regard,
And bounteous hand the work prepar'd;
The soil was rich and promis'd fair
A plenteous crop of Fruit to bear.
But 'twas of such luxuriant power
That the weed sprung beside the flower.
The quick conception was at hand
Th'expounded word to understand,
And the prompt question would apply,
With playful act and quicken'd eye,
While Granny would, in tones of Joy,
Exclaim—“Heaven bless the clever Boy.”
But if impatience should prevail,
She had the pleasant, soothing tale:
The Bat, the Ball, the Kite were shewn,
But then the Lesson must be done.


“Soon as the well-said task is o'er
“The long-tail'd Poney at the door
“Shall then appear, with John to guide
“My Henry in his pleasant ride;
“And when the words are put together
“His Hat shall have the yellow Feather.
“If in your morning's work you shine,
“You shall with your old Granny dine:
“When you will find her courteous board
“With many a Tart and Custard stor'd;
“While Plumb and Peach, and Nect'rine sweet
“Will furnish out the tempting treat.”