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On her first going out after her Birth.



Little Zephyrs, Loves, and Graces,
Bid each chilling wind be laid,
Shelter'd in your warm embraces,
See where comes my little Maid.
With your guardian-wings protect her,
Ev'ry motion hover o'er;
Through her little Path direct her,
She ne'er ventur'd out before.


Forth she comes, a new-born Creature,
How her little blue Eyes range!
Wonder fits on ev'ry Feature,
All around is gay and strange.
Could'st thou, little Maid, but paint me
What thy little Fancy warms,
Or thy little Tongue acquaint me,
'Midst this glitter, what most charms.
To a Stranger all's inviting,
All a morning Beauty wears;
Be the World, as now delighting,
Taste its Joys, but not its Cares!
Over these I draw a Curtain,
Leave their sad approach to Chance;
Not a Truth than this more certain,
“Bliss is built on Ignorance.“—


Pity, gentlest Child of Heav'n,
Little Maid, will Thee attend;
Innocence is also given
As thy Guardian, as thy Friend:
She shall wake thine heart to Pleasures
Such as Virtue can disclose;
Give Thee Love and Friendship's treasures,
Strew thy Path with many a Rose.
As in Years, in Wisdom growing,
Never from her side depart;
Through thy future Life still showing
She had form'd thy youthful Heart.
Let the false World ne'er confound Thee,
From its Vices turn thine ear;
Shun the bad Examples round Thee,
Give them but a Sigh!—a Tear!—


Thus self-guarded, thus defended,
Thy Experience shall confess,
Spite of what's by Fools pretended,
Virtue is true Happiness!
Such a blameless Tract pursuing,
Thy perfection'd Sense shall tell,
Oft this little Ode reviewing,
Little Maid, I wish'd Thee well.