University of Virginia Library


Ode XXIX. To Iccius.

Canst Thou with envious Eye behold
The blest Arabia's treasur'd Gold?
Will Iccius boldly take the Field,
And teach Sabæa's Kings to yield?
Or meditate the dreadful Mede
In Chains triumphantly to lead?
Should You her hapless Lover slay,
What captive Maid shall own thy Sway?
What courtly Youth with essenc'd Hair
Shall at thy Board the Goblet bear,
Skilful with his great Father's Art
To wing with Death the pointed Dart?
Who shall deny that Streams ascend,
And Tiber's Currents backward bend,
While you have all our Hopes betray'd;
You, that far other Promise made;
When all thy Volumes, learned Store!
The Treasures of Socratic Lore,
Once bought at mighty Price, in vain,
Are sent to purchase Arms in Spain?