University of Virginia Library

XXXII. Another [Song of Praises, Collected out of the Book of Psalms.]


28. 6.

To render thanks unto the Lord

How great a Cause have I,


My Voice, my Prayer and my Complaint
That heard so willingly?

59. 17.

Thou art my strength, thou hast me Stay'd,

O Lord, I Sing to Thee.
Thou art my Fort, my Fence and Aid,
A Loving God to me.


73. 25.

What thing is there that I can wish

But Thee in Heav'n above?
And in the Earth there is nothing
Like Thee that I can Love.

36. 9.

For why? the Well of Life so pure

Doth ever flow from Thee;
And in thy Light we are full sure
The lasting Light to see.


27. 15.

My heart would faint, but that in me

This hope is Fixed fast,
The Lord Gods good Grace shall I see
In Life that ay shall last.

48. 13.

For this God is our God, our God

For evermore is He.
This God of ours even unto Death
Our faithful Guide will be.



17. 17.

When I awake I shall behold

In righteousness thy Face.
And I shall be most like to Thee,
Even filled with thy Grace.

16. 11.

Full Joys are in thy presence Lord,

(A Sweet and precious Store)
My God at thy right Hand there are
Pleasures for evermore.


103. 21.

Ye Angels which are great in Power

Praise Ye and Bless the Lord,
VVhich to obey and do His will
Immediately accord.


Yea all his workes in every place

Praise ye His Holy Name.
My Heart, my Mind and all my Soul
For ever praise the same.