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Distressed Sion Relieved

Or, The Garment of Praise for the Spirit of Heaviness. Wherein are Discovered the Grand Causes of the Churches Trouble and Misery under the late Dismal Dispensation. With a Compleat History of, and Lamentation for those Renowned Worthies that fell in England by Popish Rage and Cruelty, from the Year 1680 to 1688. Together with an Account of the late Admirable and Stupendious Providence which hath wrought such a sudden and Wonderful Deliverance for this Nation, and Gods Sion therein. Humbly Dedicated to their Present Majesties. By Benjamin Keach

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‘Though Want, though Poverty, and loss of Trade
‘Do many Men and Families invade;
‘Yet do they vaunt in Pride and Luxury,
‘As they had Mines of Treasure lying by.
‘Some know not what to eat, nor how to go,
‘Yet on the Poor will no compassion show
‘(Whose unregarded cries, unheeded moans.
‘Whose unreliev'd distress, unpity'd groans,
‘Can scarce extort a Mite) such do not grudge
‘To purchase Hell at dearest rates and drudge
‘To please their brutish Lusts, who void of measure,
‘Consume Estates to wantonize in pleasure;
‘Tumbling in Riot (as proud Dives sate)
‘Whilst Lazarus lies starving at the Gate.