University of Virginia Library

The .xxxij. Psalme.

That man is blest that is lyghted of hys transgression:
And whose synne is hydde in the hope of hys saluation.
The man is bleste to whō the Lord doeth not impute hys synne:
So is he bleste wythin whose breaste no disceyte doeth begyn.

Whylse I do dayly with my self, sometyme thyncke secretly:
And some tyme breake out wyth wepyng, my bones consume greatly.
For nyght and daye thyne hande & powre, lyeth vpon me heauie:
My iuse and moysture are made lyke thynges that sommer doeth drye.
But when I had tolde she my fault & had not hyd my synne:
And after that I had this thought, it is best I begynne:
For to confesse vnto the Lord, all my transgression:
Forth wyth thou dydst geue me of all my synnes remission.
Wherfore ech goodman wyll praye the dureynge the tyme of grace:
And the floude of the ragynge waues shall not come to hys place.
Thou arte myne hydynge place and wylt, kepe me from miserie:
And wylt beset me wyth the myrth of men that scape hardly.
Thou hast sayde, I wyll teach the, in the waye thou shouldest go:
And wyth myne eie and cleare knowledge, I wyll helpe the also.
Be not lyke to the horsse or mule, that do nought vnderstande:

Whose chawes thou must bynd wyth a bytte ere they folowe thyne hande.
The sorowes of the wycked men, are ryght many in dede:
But he that doeth stycke to the Lorde shall neuer stande in nede.
Be glad in the Lorde (O ye iuste) & reioyce in hys syght:
Synge vnto hym so many as are in youre hertes vpright.