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First, of one that was a Merchant of Pitchards, Black pots, Double Iugges, and Pipkins, and was forward to preach, not being called or sent.

Neare to the lower end of Cheapside late,
There dwelt one Knight that sold much brittle plate,
As glasses, earthen dishes, pans and platters,
Pots, pipkins, gallipots, and such like matters.
This Knight the Brethren (by appointment sent
To Loving-land, (an Isle) in Suffolk went,
And at a Village (Summerlayten hight)
A Sermon there was preached by that Knight.
His prayer extemp're done, he op'de the book,
And Vnto us a Childe is borne, he took
To be his Text, and handled it so gravely,
That for it did in Yarmouth Gaole, the Knave lie.
Knight had to aide him to negotiate,
One Gault (a Shoomaker) Ass-sociate,
Both which were quickly to promotion risen,
Preferr'd from Yarmouth, unto Norwich prisen.
From thence Knight was unto the Gatehouse broght
Whence upon Baile, his liberty he sought,
And was bail'd, but his baile and he both fled
To Amsterdam, and there he published


Strange Libels, full of mischiefe and debate,
Which here were scatterd 'gainst the Church and State.
Whereby he to the world did plaine reveale
His mallapert, most saucie, purblinde zeale.