University of Virginia Library

Now may it heir be sperit and demandit,
And gude it wer that we suld vnderstandit,
Quhat is the cause the Kirk Papisticall
Can neuer haue this Unioun Spirituall
Of Christ Iesus trewlie in thame ingrauit?
The cause is this, sa fer as I perceauit,

Ioan. vi[i.]

That so lang as tha seyk him carnallie,

[Ma]th. vxi.

Tha can no wayis posses him Spirituallie.

As the Appostillis, beleuing Christ to ring

[M]ath. xvi. [x]xv.

In earth amangs thame as ane temporall King,

So lang as tha of this had Esperance,

[I]oan. viii.

Tha euer leuit still in Ignorance,


And neuer knew quhat Christ ment in his teaching,

[Lu]c. ix.

For all his daylie and contynewall preaching;
No moir sall neuer no carnall Creature—
So lang as tha sall fleschelie Folkis Indure,—
Cum to the knowledge and intelligence

[i C]or. ii.

Of God[i]s wourd, and Spirituall pure sentence,
Thocht Angellis wer to preache it to thame plane;
Preue quho so please, thair laubour sall be vane.