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[Howe long she lookt that lookt at me of late]
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[Howe long she lookt that lookt at me of late]


Whiles he sat at the dore of his lodging, devising these verses above rehersed, the same Gentlewoman passed by againe, and cast a longe looke towardes him, whereby he left his former invention and wrote thus.

Howe long she lookt that lookt at me of late,
As who would say, hir lookes were all for love:
When God he knowes they came from deadly hate,
To pinch me yit with pangs which I must prove.
But since my lokes hir liking maye not move,
Looke where she likes, for lo this looke was cast,
Not for my love, but even to see my last.
Si fortunatus infœlix.