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A garden of graue and godlie flowers

Sonets, elegies, and epitaphs. Planted, polished, and perfected: By Mr. Alexander Gardyne

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Comfort for my innocent afflicted friend.

Comfort for my innocent afflicted friend.

Let not blasphemous barking beasts bereaue,
Nor causles thy accustom'd courage quaill,
For giltles states the keenest courage craue,
And most does in adversitie availl:
Though raging Rog's, without all reason raill,
And wicked wretches at thy worth envy,
Yet all their falset in the fin shall faill,
When everie one thine innocence shall try:
To their eternall infamie and shame,
And to the lawd and honour of thy Name.
None bot the worthie are envyed worst,
And few traduc'd bot of the best estate,

The finest oft we finde vnfriendlie forst,
And with the beastlie borne at greatest hate;
Fooles onely at their Betters fortune frait,
And swels to see their credit to encresse,
Their malice yet should not thy mind amait,
Nor make thy priuat pleasures proue the Lesse:
Bot rather moue thee mirthfull more to bee,
And flout thy foolish foes that frouns on thee.