University of Virginia Library



Precelling Prence, Thy Prudent spreit Prepair
Till ouerpass thy pains in patiens;
Ane valiant hart ourcums the half of cair,
And duill dissolwes, Quhair visdome maks defens;
Durabile est nihil vehemens.
Lyk as in tym of ane tempestius blast
The greatest schour maist spedelie gois hens,
Syn skyis vill cleir quhan bittir storme is past.
At first assault the souldior sould not ȝeild
That dois ane constant courage represent,
And he is boldest that abyds the feild
And be guid confort cums to his Intent.
Bot quho in sorrow dois thair self torment,
Decayis in duill, And finds no gaine thairbie;
Quhair virile visdome in the brest Imprent
Expellith greif, Syn is victorius frie.
Cast on The lord Thy gydment And Thy stay,
Repose in Christ, So sall Thy cair decres,
for soone sall cum that happie Iofull day,
Quhan of all dolor Thow sall find redres.
Thy Royal hart vithdraw frome pansiwenes,
And vith king Dauid Lat Thy spreit aspyre;
The lord of hosts ȝour fois vill all suppres,
And send ȝow help Conforme to ȝour desyre.


Liwe still heirfoir in esperance alway;
Maist plesour purchest is be pryce of paine.
Thois that Induirs the vinters scharp assay
sall sie the seimlie symmer scheine againe.
Quho sups the sour, And that vithout desdaine,
Is vordiest to haif the sueit at vill,
And thay that vold to thair desyr attaine
first fix on god, And God he vill fulfill:
Quhois gratious Godheed humylie I requyre
Ȝow to preserwe, And all ȝour fois bait doune,
And send ȝow lang and prosperus Impyre
Vith ofspring, rytches, helth, and hich renoune,
Abowe all kings beiring Imperiale croune
Ay moir and moir till his eternale gloir,
Quhairtill ȝour Godlie naturale is boune,
Quhilk monie vordie vertews dois decoir.